Embracing the umbilical cord around the child's neck

Oh, and it's hard to be a future mother. There are few physical ailments and hormone-prone nerves, so there are plenty of "well-wishers" around who are eager to tell the pregnant woman another "scarecrow". For example, about double entwining the umbilical cord of the child's neck. Let's find out whether to be afraid of this "terrible" phenomenon.

What is the umbilical cord?

The umbilical cord is a kind of "rope" that connects the mother's body and the fetus, or more precisely, their circulatory systems. The umbilical cord has 3 vessels: 1 vein and 2 arteries. Through the vein, oxygen-enriched blood with nutrients from the mother's body through the placenta enters the bloodstream of the child, and along the arteries, blood with the products of the life of the future baby goes to the placenta and then to the mother's body.

The length of the umbilical cord, as a rule, is 40-60 cm. And this indicator is transmitted by inheritance, that is, your child will be connected with you by the umbilical cord of the same length as the one that connected you to your mother.

Why is the umbilical cord wrapped around the neck of the fetus?

It happens that a too long umbilical cord is formed, for example, 70 cm - this in itself is a factor in increasing the risk of hamstring of the umbilical cord.

Often we hear, especially from representatives of the older generation, that knitting is caused by knitting, sewing, weaving during pregnancy. The modern future mother should know that this is nothing more than a myth. Such an explanation existed in the old days, and it is quite understandable that it was formed not in a scientific environment, by analogy of the loop of the umbilical cord with loops and knots of threads in needlework.

Also, the myth is the assertion that the raising of hands and physical activity during pregnancy can lead to the entanglement of the umbilical cord. This is not true. Short-term raising of the hands of a pregnant woman can not affect the position of the umbilical cord in any way. A moderate exercise even useful to future mothers (of course, provided that the complex of exercises is selected specifically for you by a doctor or a certified fitness trainer specializing in working with pregnant women).

Meanwhile, the cord of the umbilical cord has absolutely real reasons, which have nothing to do with myths. Modern doctors distinguish three main reasons.

  1. Stress. Strong experiences or excessive stresses of a future mother lead to a stressful state, that is, increased production of adrenaline, which in turn increases the mobility of the fetus, and hence its chances of "confusing" the umbilical cord.
  2. Hypoxia of the fetus (insufficient oxygen saturation of blood, which can be caused by different causes). When hypoxia also increases the mobility of the fetus.
  3. Polyhydramnios. In case of a mild pregnancy, the fetus has an increased space for movement, which also increases the risk of entrapment.

How to avoid umbilical cord entanglement?

Proceeding from the above-mentioned possible causes of umbilical cords, the prescription is simple. Avoid stress and too much stress, more be in the fresh air, and with a tendency to polyhydramnios - control the amount of fluid consumed.

What is dangerous cord hanging?

First of all, it must be said that there are different kinds of accusations, and not all accusations are dangerous. The umbilical cord case is single, double and multiple; taut and non-coarse; isolated and combined (when the loop of the umbilical cord gets, in addition to the neck, also the limb of the child).

Single and non-coarse cord wrapping is not dangerous, at birth the midwife easily releases the born head from the umbilical cord.

A double and multiple, tight cord with the umbilical cord can have unpleasant consequences in the form of fetal hypoxia and placental abruption in late pregnancy and during childbirth. However, I hasten to reassure future mothers who showed signs of umbilical cuffing: in these cases, everything is not so terrible. First, the child in the womb of the mother does not stop moving until the very birth, and can quite unravel the loop of the umbilical cord as well as confuse it. And secondly, the doctors have long developed a tactic for the management of pregnancy and childbirth with a cord wound around the umbilical cord.

How to give birth with a cord wound around the cord?

When there is no single or double entrainment, the birth usually occurs naturally. During labor, the fetal heartbeat is monitored every half hour and after every attempt. If the child's heart rate does not correspond to the norm, the doctor may decide to accelerate childbirth by stimulation. Immediately after the birth of the head, the midwife releases it from the umbilical cord to avoid strong tension and blood flow disturbances.

In the case of a tight embryo, giving birth naturally is dangerous because of the risk of acute hypoxia and fetal asphyxia and premature placental abruption. Usually, with a tight knitting, planned cesarean section at a term after 37 weeks.

So, we found out that with the modern development of medicine and in the case of a careful and responsible attitude towards pregnancy, the cord of the umbilical cord does not pose a serious danger to the mother and child. Therefore, you can advise future mothers not to worry about this, trust their doctor and wait for the happy moment of the baby's appearance.

In conclusion, I note that the author of this article was born on this light with a double tight cord obtuse, in a natural way. And since you are reading these lines, it means that this did not stop her from growing up, getting an education and becoming a mother herself.