"Dovga" - the recipe

Dogu is an insanely delicious Azerbaijani dish. It perfectly suits both for a hot hot day, and for a frosty cold evening. We bring to your attention the recipe for cooking Dovgi, which you will certainly surprise your family and friends.

"Dovga" in Azerbaijani style - recipe



How to cook dovgu at home? So, first, we prepare peas with you. To do this, soak it in cold water and leave it for about 5-6 hours. After it softens, a little swells, rinses it, put it in a saucepan and cook it until half-cooked on low heat with the lid closed. Add salt to taste.

Mutton is defrosted, we remove all bones from meat and cut into very small and thin pieces. Onions are cleaned and twisted through a meat grinder. Next, mix lamb, onions, salt and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly and add any spices to the stuffing. From the meat mass we roll small meatballs.

In a deep saucepan pour cold boiled water, put on a weak fire and bring to a boil. Then we lower the meatballs into the water and boil them for about 10 minutes. Cook the meat balls carefully from the broth, and put the matzoni in the empty pan , the recipe of which is on the site, wheat flour. Cook on low heat, stirring constantly. Then add peas, rice, meatballs, broth, finely chopped greens and sorrel. We bring the contents to a boil, reduce the heat and cook until ready. On the table, the Azerbaijani dish "Dovga" is served in a chilled form, serving it in the same way as the lamb boar of lamb - lavash, a glass of vodka, hot pepper and greens.