Chocolate Cheesecake - recipe

Cheesecake is a deliciously delicious and delicious dessert, which is cooked on the basis of cream cheese or cottage cheese. It is considered to be a purely American dish, which has distant English roots. Basically, there are 2 ways of making this kind of dessert. For those who like to cook and does not spare time and energy, a cheesecake option in the oven will do. The second method is ideal for busy people, because it absolutely does not require heat treatment.

We offer you several interesting recipes for chocolate cheesecake at home, the taste is just magical and very chocolate!

Chocolate-banana cheesecake - recipe


For the basis:

For filling:

For decoration:


To make a chocolate vanilla cheesecake, take the biscuits and grind it well in a blender until it is fine. Then add a lightly melted butter and mix. We spread the mass into a round baking dish with a uniform layer, forming small edges around the edges, and remove the prepared base for 40 minutes in the freezer.

Now proceed to the preparation of the filling. To do this, we take the eggs, we separate the proteins from the yolks. In a separate container, mix butter, sugar and vanillin until white. Do not stop whipping, we add yolks to the mass.

Chocolate melt in a water bath, pour in the cream and pour in the flour. Then we pour all this into the oily-egg mixture and mix it. Banana is cleaned, kneaded in mashed potatoes and added to our stuffing. All as follows, whisk, put the cottage cheese and mix. At the very end, we introduce into the curd mass whipped with salt proteins.

On the cooled base we put out the filling, level and bake in a preheated to 160 ° oven for 1 hour. Then we cool the cheesecake and put it in the refrigerator for 6 hours. When serving, pour the chocolate-curd cheese cake with syrup, decorate with grated white chocolate and fresh mint leaves.

Recipe for chocolate cheesecake without baking


For the basis:

For filling:


How to make a chocolate cheesecake? So, take the cookie and grind it well in a blender until it's fine. Melted butter in a microwave and pour out the crushed cookies. All thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then spread it into the baking dish in a uniform layer, forming small edges around the edges, and remove the prepared base for 40 minutes in the freezer.

Now take the cottage cheese, twist it through a meat grinder, pour a little sugar and put sour cream, stir. In advance, soak gelatin in hot water and leave to swell. After about 20 minutes, pour it into the curd mass and put vanilla sugar to taste. We beat the mass well and spread it evenly on the previously prepared cake. We put the cheesecake in the refrigerator until it freezes.

Meanwhile, we brew jelly in hot water and cool a little, so that it becomes like a kissel in consistency. Then we take out the form with the cake and stuffing, gently pour the cooked jelly on top and send it back to the refrigerator. Once everything has finally solidified, carefully remove the shape and decorate the finished chocolate cheesecake without baking whipped cream with sugar.