Choreography for children

Every mom wants her child to be strong, flexible and self-confident. All this can be given to him by a good school of choreography for children. Many experts from the medical field say that dancing is a great physical practice, even for toddlers 3 years old. At this age, the child has excellent flexibility, twine, bridge and other similar exercises are given to him with ease, while adults have to work through them daily to return the child's flexibility and plasticity. Choreography for children allows them to retain these qualities for life (if the child does not give up training for too long).

What do choreography classes provide for children?

It's just about the body. In addition, the baby will improve attention, muscle and visual memory. Regular choreography lessons for children allow you to develop will power and discipline. And what is very important, they help to overcome the natural shyness and learn to communicate, because, as a rule, classes are held in a group and when dancing it is necessary to be able to act together, and somewhere synchronously.

Which direction to choose?

To date, schools offer a great choice to parents. How to understand, what is better - modern or classical choreography for children? What is the first thing your baby likes. They have a lot of energy that needs to be channeled into the right direction, but to force them to do things that are boring and disgusting - just cruel. Such an approach will only make it worse for a child to grow strong and successful, he must feel confident and do what is pleasing. Any school offers customers test visits, which allow you to understand what is what and only then purchase subscriptions. Give the child the opportunity to go to several different workouts and understand what he likes more.

What is required for training?

Children's clothing for choreography has long been no problem and need not be armed with a needle and thread. Now there are a lot of specialized stores, in which you will find any clothes and various equipment for dancing. In addition, there you can choose or order spectacular and bright costumes for later performances and purchase children's ballet flats for choreography that do not slip and do not constrain movements.

Motivation of the child

Also an important point, especially when the child is tired and does not want to go to training. Go with him to the performance of the show-ballet TODES, find the videos with famous dancers in the chosen direction. Having looked, to what it is necessary to aspire, the kid again will have a desire to continue employment, but already more assiduously. After all, for sure he will also want to move tremendously and to rip out the stormy applause of the hall. By the way in many cities Alla Dukhova opened schools TODES, where modern choreography for children is taught, and in the future the selection will be conducted to the main team, and this is an opportunity not only to professionally dance, but also to see the world.

Remarkable motivation will be records of training of professionals, interviews with them. Children should understand that such skill is obtained by great difficulty, perseverance, constant work on oneself. We have to fight fatigue, and sometimes even pain, but the reward will be amazing plastic, grace and admiration of others. Whichever direction your kid chooses, the main thing is that he aspires to perfection. It is not enough to tell peers that you are engaged in dancing, you need to show the result, which will make an impression.