How to praise a child correctly?

The method of "carrot and stick" has long been used in the upbringing of children, when parents abuse and praise for their actions. But not always adults understand that it is also necessary to be able to praise properly, otherwise it can only be made worse. Therefore, in the article we will consider why and how to praise the younger generation, as one of the methods of encouragement.

Ways to encourage

Different methods of encouragement should be applied depending on the specific situation that has arisen, because if you apply the same method constantly, it will cease to function.

Why should you praise children?

Praise is simply necessary in order for the child to believe in himself, become more confident, regain his emotional state and fill the stock of optimism that he will need throughout his life. It is also necessary in order to note in the kid his hidden abilities, to push him to their development. It arouses the desire to repeat what has been done, to achieve the right result. But too frequent use of praise for the result leads to the formation in children of lack of initiative, unwillingness to finish the case, if they see that the desired result does not work. Therefore, even if this happened, you should find what you can praise the child for.

After all, very often children, deprived of positive emotions from their parents or receiving them undeservedly, suffer from egocentrism, manifested in various forms.

How to praise a child correctly?

To ensure that your praise does not harm your child's upbringing, the following recommendations should be adhered to:

  1. Praise must be sincere, serious, without the use of irony and complex verbal revolutions.
  2. Praise only if necessary, i.e. not for his natural abilities or what he knows how to do very well, but for what happened if he made an effort.
  3. In praise there is no place for comparison - it will hurt the child's psyche and reduce his desire to do something at all.
  4. Praise should not be very much - otherwise a child will stop appreciating it, become dependent on it, and it will cease to be a reward for it. But stop praising in general is also harmful - you can develop an inferiority complex in a child.
  5. To praise the act of the child, what he achieved, and not the person as a whole - thus, an adequate perception is formed himself, rather than high self-esteem and overestimated self-esteem .

Remember that for adults, actions such as undoing things neatly or taking out the trash are considered simple, and for a small child this is a great achievement, so even for such acts, it deserves praise, but in moderation.

Using praise, taking into account the recommendations listed above, as a way of encouragement, you will be able to educate your children with self-confident, successful people. And do not forget that it is also right to punish a child .