How to punish a child?

The eternal question of raising children is familiar to any parent. To have children is happiness, but this does not mean that the child constantly brings only joy and affection. From time to time, moms and dads are faced with the bad deeds of their offspring, with their rudeness and disobedience. In this case, parents usually resort to punishment of the child in order to avoid the recurrence of the incident. But in such a case it is important not to overstep the stick and completely unacceptable physical and psychological violence.

How to punish the child correctly, so as not to harm him, and at the same time be able to convey to him, what is his fault? To solve this issue you need to approach with a cold head.

Is it possible to punish a child?

Do I need to punish the child at all? Now more and more parents accept the position of non-intervention as punishment in the upbringing of the child, avoid conflicts with him and moralizing. Of course, such moms and dads pursue the brightest goals - to provide their child with a happy childhood, and not become "bad" parents in the eyes of children. However, such an approach is fraught with the wrong formation of a child's worldview due to the lack of understanding of the boundaries of what is permissible in the world and society.

The other extreme in resolving the question "Is the child punished for misconduct?" Manifests itself in the constant monitoring of the child's actions and his twitching. For some parents, it is not worth it to punish the child with a belt, give a slap on the head, and knock on the hands. According to juvenile justice, causing physical and psychological harm to the child is a manifestation of cruelty and infringes on his rights, which is punishable by law. And, nevertheless, in the education of the child, the punishment is necessary, but within the acceptable limits and in the case.

Why punish a child?

Punishment is necessary in case of violation of previously banned with the child bans, which he is able to follow. That is, a seven-year-old boy or girl who already understands the value of personal property must be punished for theft, which is absolutely unacceptable for 2-4-year-old children who have not yet fully understood why one can not take someone else's. In 3-4 years the child can already control his speech, so he can be punished for verbal rudeness.

Ways of punishing a child

Among the ways to punish a child are:

The most effective and taking into account the rights of the child is the method of strict conversation and deprivation of entertainment. You can not punish children by humiliating them and hurting them.

How correctly to punish the child?

Usually, as parents punish children, it directly depends on the method used and the style of upbringing in their childhood. If the family was taken together to solve problems, calmly discuss difficulties and mistakes, then most likely children who grew up in such an atmosphere will take this method when raising their own children. And, conversely, in a family where it is considered normal, if the father has punched a belt for the "troika", the children, becoming adults, will follow this example.

There are several rules that need to be followed so that punishment is not in vain, but, meanwhile, does not cause injury to the child:

  1. To scold a child and punish is only returning to his peace of mind. A man in a rage and anger risks talking too much and hurting.
  2. It is important for both parents to follow one strategy in their upbringing. It is unacceptable that one punishes for what the other encourages. This is fraught with the development of an intrapersonal conflict in the child.
  3. To punish a child and find out with him the relationship should be in private, and in no case with outsiders. This condition will avoid insulting the feelings of the child.
  4. Any punishment and deprivation of anything for educational purposes should be temporary, after which it is recommended to arrange reconciliation to end this conflict.