Goat's milk is good for the body and contraindications

The main natural source of calcium entering the body with food is milk and products made from it. If to build a pyramid of usefulness of milk received from animals, at the very top will goat milk the use of which has long been proven and proven fact, in the people it has been called the "elixir of longevity".

Goat's milk - useful properties

Effective panacea is a healing source that relieves of illnesses and restores immunity at any age to goat's milk. The goat has excellent immunity, in comparison with the cow does not suffer from brucellosis and tuberculosis. Whether goat milk is useful - definitely yes, it contains many useful substances, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. In 100 ml = 68 calories. It has a high fat content, does not contribute to the deposition of cholesterol, which allows to include it in the dietary diet. It produces various cheeses, curdled milk, yogurt, sour cream, which are used in both normal and dietary meals.

Goat Milk Composition

The chemical composition of goat's milk includes vitamins of the following groups: A; AT; C; D; E; H; PP, they are:

Even in milk contains proteins - albumin, biotin, globulin, lecithin, choline. Microelements that are part of the normal work of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular system, improve memory and performance. Promotes strengthening of bones, teeth, hair, nail plate. Microelements in goat's milk:

Boiled goat's milk is good

On the question of whether to boil or not boil - you can not give an unambiguous answer. When heat treated, it loses a number of medicinal properties, the use of goat's milk decreases. If you buy the product from proven village "producers" - you can drink in kind, so all the valuable properties remain. Products with questionable freshness, give a heat treatment - boil 1 min.

After cooling, it is desirable to use, not to re-heat or reheat in a microwave, stored in a glass container. Shelf life in the refrigerator: in raw form - 5 days, boiled - 10 days, serum -14 days. It is especially important to boil the milk, which will be used to feed young children and sick people, not to risk poor health.

Which milk is more useful - cow or goat?

Nutrition and the composition of goat's and cow's milk depends on several factors. From the nature of the goat, the finer cows are more nutritious, the diet is a selective food that she likes to choose herself. Due to the composition, saturated with proteins, the product is absorbed in the human body five times better than cow's milk, does not cause digestive disorders and allergic reactions. For these very reasons, children are transferred from mother's milk to goat.

What is the use of goat's milk?

It is recommended to drink milk during pregnancy. This is the main benefit of goat milk for women. The organism, bearing the fruit, exudes the stores of useful substances - the teeth get spoiled, the hair falls out, the nails are cracked. Replenishment of stocks, the necessary elements, will bring the goat milk to the norm and the most diverse products based on it. In the period of breastfeeding it will become a natural stimulant contributing to the formation of milk. For even greater efficiency, it can be diluted with tea.

At any age a woman wants to look younger than her years - to have a beautiful figure, healthy, tightened face. Goat milk - a natural antioxidant, slows down the aging process of the whole body, intensively regenerates collagen skin cells. Fats milk products are easily digested, do not form accumulations in the body of cholesterol. Special diets are invented on the basis of this valuable product, successfully relieving of excess weight. Widely used it for cosmetic and medical purposes:

Goat's milk is good for the pancreas

For good functioning of the pancreas, it is recommended to drink goat's milk, the benefit of which depends on certain factors. In the acute stage of acute pancreatitis it is forbidden to take it. After exacerbation of pancreatitis, enter into the diet of dairy products gradually, observing the standard table of consumption of dairy products and their quantity, with a schedule on the day. Chronic course of the disease includes the intake of goat's milk and the preparation of dishes from it. It must be diluted with water in one to one. Based on milk, prepare:

Goat's milk is good and bad for the liver

Phospholipids contained in milk, break down fats in the digestive system, stabilizing the level of cholesterol and lipoprotein, so goat's milk is useful for the liver and bile ducts. Phosphorus, lecithin and methionine do not allow fats to accumulate in the liver, the inhibition method prevents its degeneration. Dairy products with medicinal properties for liver work will be made: not fatty yogurt, ryazhenka, whey, cottage cheese, casseroles, homemade yogurts.

Exclusion from the diet of a patient of fried, smoked, salted, sharp, fatty dishes and the addition of milk gives positive results in the treatment:

How useful is goat's milk for the stomach?

Extractive substances and protein and calcium content in a large amount effectively reduces the acidity of the gastric enzyme. Dairy products and goat's milk are useful for the stomach with various diseases with the recommendations of doctors - adhere to the diet. Dysbacteriosis of the intestine passes quickly, the microflora is restored if the goat's milk and products based on it are included in the diet.

Goat's milk is useful for gastritis?

What is useful is the milk of the goat - it treats gastritis, stomach ulcer, colitis, duodenum. The course of admission, for healing of stomach wounds, should be at least 21 days. Take milk in a cool form and break it into several small meals a day, to prevent constipation, natural honey is added to the milk. Drinking a glass of milk in the morning on an empty stomach will relieve the following unpleasant symptoms:

Use of goat's milk in oncology

High saturation of goat's milk with different vitamins, especially vitamin B12, contributes to the process of creating blood, prevents anemia, restores after chemotherapy courses in treating cancer patients. The more useful goat's milk - it restores immunity, raises the level of hemoglobin , replenishes the supply of calcium. A spoon of honey added to a glass of milk drink increases its usefulness.

Goat's milk - harm

In modern society, goat milk, the benefit of which can not fit in the pages of a large book, is undeservedly unpopular. Often people refuse such useful product because of individual intolerance, attribute to it a specific taste and smell. Before breastfeeding with such milk, an infant is required to consult a pediatrician. Has goat's milk, contra-indications on which there can be undesirable consequences and diseases of an organism for refusal of goat's milk: