The benefits of corn porridge

Many women to get rid of excess weight are ready to torture themselves with hunger strikes and go to the numerous victims. This is not necessary, because you can just properly make up your diet . As a basis, you can take corn porridge, the benefit of which is due to the presence of different vitamins and minerals. There are special diets that will help cope with the problem of excess weight.

What is the use of corn porridge?

Corn has a number of properties that are transmitted and croup:

  1. The composition of the porridge includes a lot of fiber, which fills the stomach and helps to cope with hunger for a long time. Another fiber contributes to the cleansing of the intestine from slags and other decomposition products.
  2. With regular consumption improves metabolism, which contributes to weight loss.
  3. Given the high calorie content , it will be enough to eat a small portion to satiate the body.
  4. Corn porridge reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and positively affects the activity of the digestive tract.

How to eat corn porridge with a diet?

There are several options for weight loss, which are based on the use of porridge:

  1. You can in the usual daily menu to replace the usual breakfast with a portion of corn porridge, and instead of dinner, drink 1 tbsp. low-fat kefir. Exclude from the diet high-calorie meals and do not forget to drink plenty of water.
  2. Monodiet. For 3 days you can lose up to 4 kg. With this option, you need to eat only corn porridge, and drink green tea, and water. The daily norm is 1 tbsp. dry cereals. It is recommended that the total amount of porridge be divided into 5 meals. It is allowed to add a small amount of unsweetened fruit and berries to porridge.

How to cook?

To a diet on corn porridge gave the desired results, you need to properly prepare it. Dietary dish can not be cooked using butter and sugar.

Recipe # 1



Fry the flour lightly in a frying pan until a cream shade is obtained. Then add it to the boiling water and stir constantly, cook for about 10 minutes. Now there are add milk and salt. Boil for another 7 minutes. and the porridge is ready.

Recipe # 2



Rinse the groats thoroughly and fill with hot water. Also soak raisins. Then the ingredients must be connected and sent to the oven, and cook until the liquid evaporates. Remove the porridge, mix it and then return it to the oven until a crust is formed on the surface.