When to transplant the host?

Hosta is a decorative perennial plant that belongs to the shade lovers . The flowers of the hosts are small, in the form of bells, which rise above the leaves on a long stalk. But also the host has simply chic, bright and diverse in form large leaves - it is for them most often and grow a flower. Many landscapers and landscape designers use these shrubs in garden compositions and garden scenery.

When is it better to transplant the host?

To date, you can count more than 4 thousand varieties of varieties of this plant. And with each year they are added more and more.

Hosta refers to unpretentious plants, it grows on all types of soils. Even a novice and very inexperienced gardener can successfully grow this shrubbery.

For people who are very busy with work, the host allows to minimize the work in the garden. This is because the bushes hosts with proper care very quickly expand and form large thickets, through which the weeds can not get through. It remains to be clarified, when can you transplant the host - in the autumn or in the spring?

In fact, the host can be planted in both autumn and spring. The timing of transplantation hosts in the autumn fall at the very beginning. The landing should be stopped until mid-September. For good rooting and strengthening hosts need a minimum of 4 weeks.

Transplant hosts in the spring (in May) is considered the best time. In this period, only the growth of roots begins, and the leaves have not yet formed.

Important! In the spring it is impossible to transplant such varieties as tokuda, zybold and its hybrids. Their new roots do not begin to grow until the leaves are dissolved, for this reason the transplantation in this period is fatal for them. For these species, the ideal period for transplantation is the beginning of September.