The child has a bad tooth

Teething in a child is a special period in his life, which is a kind of "transitional age". The appearance of the first teeth in the baby means that his body is already ready to receive new food for him. As a rule, when the teeth begin to be cut in the child, the first lure is introduced into his diet.

For many parents, this period is difficult and troublesome. When the first tooth is cut, the baby is often capricious, his overall well-being worsens. Many young moms and dads can not always immediately correlate the vagaries of the baby with teething, and begin to sound the alarm. Therefore, knowledge of what symptoms appear, when the child's teeth are cut, are not at all superfluous.

When do teeth start to be cut?

Like all other norms of child development, the age at which the first teeth begin to be cut in a child is approximate. In children who are on artificial feeding, the first teeth appear earlier than in babies who feed on mother's milk. Therefore, there is no single answer to the question of how much teeth are cut in children.

In most children, the first milk teeth appear at the age of 6 to 8 months. A small percentage of toddlers, teeth are cut at 3 months, and in some babies the first tooth begins to be cut already in 11 months. So early or later teething is not a sign of deviation in the development of the baby.

How to understand that teeth are chopped?

A few weeks before the appearance of the first teeth, the baby begins to behave quite restlessly. Parents can observe the following symptoms, which indicate the rapid eruption of teeth:

What should I do when my child has teeth?

If the process of teething in a child is accompanied by pain, the young parents are eager to do anything to alleviate the suffering of the baby whose teeth are chapped. Pediatricians recommend the following methods how to help the child when the teeth are chopped:

In what order are the teeth of the child cut?

As a rule, in children each subsequent tooth appears in a month. In most cases, one of the lower central teeth appears first. A month later, his neighbor erupts. The next are the two upper central incisors. Then there is a lateral upper tooth and a lateral lower one. After them - the second pair of incisors, located on the side of the central teeth.

Root teeth in a child are cut at the age of 5-7 years. Up to age 14, all milk teeth are replaced by indigenous teeth. The process when a child has a molar teeth is mostly painless, and the parents do not need to take any additional measures.