Child development in 8 months

The first year of a child's life is certainly one of the most interesting periods of development. The kid changes almost before his eyes, learns something new every day, actively learns the world. Beginning with half a year, the development of crumbs does not happen as quickly as in the first six months, but it's also interesting to watch the baby. After all, his behavior is noticeably more complicated, he learns to understand and reproduce speech, better owns his own body, etc. In this article we will look at the diet, talk about how to develop a child of 8 months, tell about a child's massage and the skills of a child in 8 months, etc.

Daily regime

A child of 8 months needs a strict regime of the day. Of course, to this age the baby and mom have their own schedule of feeding, sleeping, walking, etc. In case of failure, the baby becomes moody, irritable, sluggish or overexcited, can lose appetite and sleep badly. It is important to remember that sleep is one of the most important conditions for the development of a baby, so you should ensure a quiet night sleep for at least 10-11 hours. Thus the child can wake up at night to eat - in it there is nothing terrible. Claims that children must be weaned from night feeding are groundless, and in cases when the mother produces a little milk, and at all harmful - after all, night feeding excellently stimulates the production of more milk. But it is also not worthwhile to awaken a kid specifically for food - if the baby has stopped waking up at night to drink milk, then it no longer needs night feedings and it is time to abandon them. By the age of eight months, most children go to a two-day daytime sleep (2-2.5 hours).

Nutrition of the child in 8 months

Nutrition of children at this age remains fivefold, the diet still preserves mother's milk - it helps the child maintain immunity at a high level, as well as adapt to new dishes and better absorb them. The ration of a toddler at this age includes:

Remember that cooking meat to feed the baby should be separately and add it to the dishes already prepared. The baby's body is not yet able to digest the meat broth. Also, do not give meat and yolks at once, in one day and even more so in one dish.

If you think that the baby's food is too fresh, tasteless, you can add salt, oil, any seasonings - but do not give it to the crumbs, but eat it yourself. Pure delicate taste of natural products without sweeteners and flavors quite suits the kids, so do not complicate the ration of crumbs ahead of time. The only possible supplement to the food of the baby is vegetable oil (not necessarily olive, sunflower will suit not worse). At the same time, like boiled meat, it should be added to ready meals, and not cooked with them (heating significantly reduces the use of oil, and can even turn it from a useful product to a harmful product). In addition to the usual olive or sunflower, you can use linseed, soybean, corn, etc. Just make sure that it is not made from genetically modified raw materials and, of course, pay attention to the expiration date and the conditions for storing the oils.

Parameters of the baby in 8 months

The average size of a child is 8 months:

Of course, these figures are approximate, averaged. Depending on the initial height and weight, completeness, etc. the height and weight of the baby may differ from these indicators, and this does not necessarily indicate a deviation in development or pathology.

Lessons with children 8 months

At this age, classes with the child are extremely important. After all, it is during the game that the crumb gets meaningful life skills, develops speech and fine motor skills. The desire to learn the world from children is extremely great and parents need to worry about the safety of their child. First of all, the baby's room and all items in the reach of the crumbs should be regularly washed and disinfected. The child does not care what to play with - with a child's rattle, mother's shoes, a father's umbrella or a cat's bowl.

Very useful for kids games in which you need to touch different in texture objects (smooth, rough, soft, fluffy, ribbed, warm and cool surfaces, etc.), sort them (beads, beads), as well as a variety of lacing and t . Such entertainments develop fine motor skills and have a beneficial effect on the development of the brain tissue of the baby.

And most importantly - do not compare your baby with neighbors, acquaintances, etc. the fact that you spoke at seven months old, and at eight already ran, does not mean that your child must necessarily develop at the same rate.