Erotic dreams - why dream and need to fight them?

Dreams of intimate overtones have long been regarded as a lack of love and affection, the desire to realize their most secret desires. However, erotic dreams occur in men and women, regardless of age and sexual satisfaction. A few sensible approaches will help to understand the appearance and significance of this kind of night dreams.

What is an erotic dream?

Such phenomena are an uncontrolled part of a person's life, although they are perceived as a reality. The framework of morality is absent in such cases, therefore they can be frank, depraved, repulsive and frightening. The object of fantasy can be real people or fictional characters (heroes of films and books). In any case, erotic dreams are not deviations from the norm. They are most frequent during puberty, but visit a person throughout life with varying regularity, regardless of marital status, lack and presence of a sexual partner.

Why dream erotic dreams?

Often, but not always, erotic dreams are preceded by an event with sexual overtones. After getting acquainted with the telecast, film, literary work and romantic experiences, the accumulated emotions can result in an "interesting" night vision. Sometimes, in this way, the subconscious mind of a person replaces the long absence of sexual contact, and in the case when erotic dreams with one context are constantly dreamed, one can speak of hidden desires. If in normal life any aspiration is forbidden, there is a high probability that it will take on a form of sleep.

Erotic dreams of Freud

According to the researches of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, in a sensual dream, as in any other, hidden needs are clearly expressed. They can be disguised as images, transformed or look like human explicit desires. Sigmund Freud believed that if a dream with a sexual context was dreamed, this is not an ordinary accident, and what is most lacking in reality pops up in the subconscious more often than not. This applies not only to intimate life. Trying to figure out what the erotic dream means, it should be treated like a normal dream.

How to cause an erotic dream?

Night vision may not have anything to do with reality, but in an attempt to try out new things and get deeper into your subconscious, people start to wonder how to make an erotic dream come true. In this case, two conditions are important: physiological and emotional. Long before sleep, you need to refrain from tea, coffee and alcohol, be content with a light supper, avoid physical and mental overstrain, and go to bed - tune in to the right way and indulge in erotic fantasies . It is important to clearly present the situation and the prospective partner.

What should I do if I have erotic dreams?

People who often dream of erotic dreams, get used to this phenomenon. Do not be afraid of its first manifestation, but if the dreamer is concerned about his own behavior in such dreams, and what is happening begins to strain, the problem can be solved by viewing it from the outside. Everything that happens is recorded in a notebook, and then analyzed, excluding emotions and sexual overtones. On the surface come out all the worries and unrest manifested in the exciting images. Perhaps, erotic dreams indicate a lack of affection, dissatisfaction with the partner - then the solution to the problem is obvious.

How to get rid of erotic dreams?

When the reason is found, and the problem is not eliminated, you can search for its solution in yourself. Piquant dreams (and especially female erotic dreams) are often fueled by emotional experiences and imagination. The person himself spurs their appearance with sexual overtones, for example, watching movies for love at night or reading frank novels. The quality of night rest will help improve the overall trip from the outside world. Minimum for an hour you need to remove all the gadgets, put aside the book and calm down as much as possible.

Interpretation of erotic dreams

When intimate dreams are not a sign of fatigue, dissatisfaction, desire, you can try to give them the interpretation, as the most common. Night with violence can become a signal that a person is trying to get free from oppression in real life and even is ready to use force to eliminate the problem. Dreaming of public sex indicates discomfort, and self-satisfaction scenes indicate low self-esteem. Trying to understand what dreams of erotic dreams about lesbian love, do not think that such are the manifestations of homosexual tendencies, just in life there is not enough tenderness.

No matter how secret fantasies appear in the world of Morpheus, they need not be feared. Simple statistics: dreams with sexual meaning are 10%. Adult people see them at least once a month and this does not show any concern or "abnormality". Some people manage to realize what they saw in real life with a partner and thereby diversify and beautify their intimate life. From all it is possible to benefit, if you understand the mechanisms and causes.