Drugs for gastritis

Gastritis is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which can develop rather slowly. But at some point the ailment breaks into a person's life and turns it upside down, excruciating with constant pains in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting. Help to cure special medicines for gastritis. Their assortment is wide enough. But there are several basic medicines that gastroenterologists give preference to most often.

Drugs for the treatment of gastritis

The basis of the fight against gastritis in most cases become enveloping substances. They protect the walls of the mucosa from the negative effects of concentrated gastric juice and food masses, covering them with a thin film. Additional drugs are selected individually, depending on the form of the disease and the overall health of the patient.


One of the most famous drugs for the treatment of erosive gastritis. Its composition includes substances that not only protect the mucous membrane, but also reduce painful sensations, as well as neutralizing the aggressiveness of hydrochloric acid. In order for the medication to work, it does not need to be mixed with water. The most effective method of treatment is to take Almagel and lie on his side. Every couple of minutes, gently roll over, so that the medicine is evenly distributed throughout the mucosa. Continue to take the remedy for at least a month.


Not bad from the pain in the stomach with gastritis is helped by this particular medicine. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, astringent effect and is prescribed most often for the treatment of people with an acute form of ailment. Drink Vikalin three times a day for one - two tablets. It is better not to chew the pills, but just to drink with enough water. Duration of treatment is determined individually and can vary from a month to three.


The medicine saves from unpleasant sensations at a gastritis with the raised acidity. Its active ingredients help to reduce the produced gastric juice. That, in turn, prevents the erosion of the mucosa.


The drug is made on the basis of bile components. This medication is prescribed for patients with gastritis with low acidity.


This remedy contains pancreatic enzymes, bile and an extract derived from the gastric mucosa. The medication promptly facilitates well-being and eliminates unpleasant symptoms.


With an exacerbation of gastritis, this medicine will help reduce the tone of the stomach muscles and reduce the secretion of the glands of the organ.


To improve digestion in the form of the disease with reduced secretion, wormwood tincture is used. And to increase appetite while helping Apilak - a substance extracted from bee uterine milk.


When the Festal tablets are dissolved, the bile components produced by the liver and specific enzymes enter the body. They help to accelerate the digestion of food and greatly simplify it.

Do I need to take medicine to prevent gastritis?

Gastritis is one of those diseases, which is much easier to prevent than cure later. Especially to prevent it it is quite simple, and for this even medicines will not be needed:

  1. Reconsider your diet. Include in it natural food and do not abuse fatty, fried, salty dishes.
  2. Do not overeat at night.
  3. Refuse from smoking and alcohol.
  4. Eat right. That is, try to avoid snacks "on the run." Allocate enough time for meals. Thoroughly chew food.
  5. Relieve yourself of stress.