Tablets from allergies in pregnancy

Allergy is becoming quite common. The reason for this is the deterioration of the ecological situation, the appearance of various new chemical compounds that adversely affect the body. However, most often people face seasonal phenomena of allergic reactions, which in most cases is noted in the spring, when flowering. Typically, those suffering from this disease in such cases use prescribed drugs that can easily tolerate manifestations of pollinosis. It is necessary to find out how to be in this case during pregnancy, what pills for allergy can women at this time. Let's consider the situation in detail.

What to do if you have allergies?

If a similar situation occurs for the first time, you need to see a doctor, even when the condition lasts a short time. After all, the main thing in treating such violations is not the elimination of symptoms, but the identification of the cause. Often, in order to be cured, it is sufficient to remove the allergenic factor, to stop its effect on org

anism. To accurately identify such, it is necessary to undergo special tests, including a blood test for the content of antibodies that are specific for allergens.

What allergy tablets are used during pregnancy?

To treat this kind of disease, H2-histamine blockers are used. Currently, there are 3 generations of these drugs. When pregnancy is used:

  1. Suprastin. They use it to treat acute allergic reactions in pregnant women. It is prescribed strictly by the doctor, which indicates the dosage, duration and frequency of admission. Refers to 1 generation.
  2. Allertec (do not use on short terms in 1 trimester). Excellent suppresses the symptoms of the disease, manifestations of an allergic reaction.
  3. Tavegil (appoint according to vital indications). Despite the wide popularity, during gestation the drug is not used because of the high probability of a teratogenic effect.
  4. Claritin, - there are no contraindications to use during pregnancy. The use of the drug is possible if the intended use for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus.
  5. Fexadine - allergy tablets prescribed for pregnant women are effective in seasonal allergy diseases. In the treatment of urticaria, itching, sneezing cope with manifestations fairly quickly.

It is worth noting that any tablets from allergies during pregnancy, regardless, - 1, 2, 3 this trimester, are prescribed when the condition of the pregnant woman threatens the fetus more than the medication. Each case is unique, requires an individual approach, establishing the causes of allergic reaction. It is worth noting that it is often enough to exclude contact with the allergen to prevent further development of the disease.