Is it possible for Smecta to be pregnant?

When carrying a baby, a woman is faced with all sorts of troubles, like all other people - indigestion, poisoning, heartburn, belching, increased gas formation and so on. And if an ordinary person can just go to the pharmacy and buy any remedy for the above reasons, during pregnancy many drugs are banned.

Physicians with digestive disorders most often prescribe a drug Smecta, which in a short time can restore balance in the body and stop indigestion or calm heartburn. Let's find out whether it is possible to take Smecta during pregnancy, especially in the early stages.

Structure of the preparation

To understand whether it is possible to drink Smecta during pregnancy, it is necessary to proceed from its composition. If it contains dangerous substances, then it is natural not to take this medication. Fortunately, the drug contains only smectite - an adsorbent of natural origin, which does not affect the fruit of the negative effect. Moreover - this medicine is prescribed even for newborn patients, and contraindication is only individual intolerance, which is extremely rare.

Is it possible for pregnant Smekt for diarrhea?

It is for getting rid of a loose stool that Smecta is most often used by pregnant women. After all, no woman is immune from food poisoning and simply indigestion during pregnancy.

In addition to Smecta disorder will help with severe heartburn, which suffer from pregnancy. Treatment can be done sporadically, as necessary, or by courses, as directed by the doctor.

How to apply the drug?

It is recommended to drink dissolved powder Smecta no less than three times a day. For cooking use boiled warm water in an amount of 100 ml. The drug is completely insoluble, and therefore it must be shaken immediately before swallowing, so that all active substances enter the digestive system. With their help, the body copes with the disposal of harmful metabolic products, toxins and excessive gassing.