Swelling of the feet during pregnancy

Edema during pregnancy is considered a norm option, but only starting with the second half of gestation. In the first half of pregnancy, edema is usually not associated with it and indicates the presence of other diseases (kidney, heart, venous and lymphatic vessels).

Swelling of the feet during pregnancy - reasons

In the second half of one of the main reasons why the legs swell during pregnancy, there is a late gestosis (toxicosis) of pregnant women. The causes of late gestosis are not fully established. There are 4 types of late pregnancy toxicosis:

Edema is observed in the first two types of gestosis.

Most often swollen feet during pregnancy with dropsy of pregnant women. The disease develops gradually and is characterized by the presence of edema, but with no arterial pressure and no urine in the urine. There are 4 degrees of dropsy:

Nephropathy of pregnant women also causes swelling. They are different: a small pastosity of the skin, swelling under the eyes, swelling of the feet during pregnancy, swelling of the whole body. In addition to edema, there is always an increase in blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. The cause is often kidney disease, which worsen during pregnancy, compression of the ureters by a growing uterus with a fetus with a violation of the outflow of urine.

Another reason why pregnant women swollen legs, there may be venous congestion. But pregnancy often becomes a factor that stimulates the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities. And, if in addition to edema that does not disappear, strong, spreading pains appear in the legs, an increase in body temperature, redness of the skin - vein thrombosis is possible.

Most often, edema with varicose veins of the legs is asymmetric. If the right leg swells during pregnancy - it can be caused by varicose dilatation and stagnation in the veins of the right leg, if the left leg swells during pregnancy - varicose veins on the left. Secondary disturbances of the lymph drainage are also often asymmetrical and are combined with venous congestion, with the primary (congenital) lymphedema swelling is symmetrical and is even before pregnancy, and edema is often dense and hard. First, the feet swell in pregnant women, then the lower leg, and gradually the swelling spreads to the entire limb. Localized swelling, in which any part of the limb swells, may appear with thrombosis of any vein or lymphatic vessel, often accompanied by symptoms of inflammation around the site of obstruction.

Another reason why your legs are swollen during pregnancy are cardiovascular diseases and heart defects. They often become aggravated or manifest themselves with increased stress on the heart associated with pregnancy. Swelling usually intensifies with physical exertion and at the end of the day and an additional examination of the cardiovascular system helps to identify the cause of such edema.

What should I do if my legs swell during pregnancy?

If a pregnant woman swells around her legs, a kidney, cardiovascular and venous system is usually prescribed. But sometimes swelling is hidden or slightly noticeable, and fluid in the body is delayed. To reveal them it is possible only regular weighing of the pregnant woman (about edemas speaks uneven growth of mass of a body or an increase in weight more than 300 g for a week). It is also necessary to regularly measure daily diuresis (daily amount of urine) and monitor the amount of liquid drunk. If the amount of urine is less than ¾ of the liquid, you can suspect that the fluid is trapped in the body.

Swelling of the feet during pregnancy - treatment

Treatment can be prescribed only by a doctor after an additional examination. It depends on the cause that caused the swelling. But simple recommendations should be remembered: