Zodiac signs in sex

Each person is individual, he has special traits, appearance, life value and even signs of the zodiac. It is the zodiac signs that are the last in the list of personal differences, because people rarely pay attention to this feature of their partners in life, and in vain, because compatibility of zodiac signs in sex can be an additional key to a happy family life. Sex with signs of the zodiac is very diverse, because some signs of the zodiac are more constrained and slow, while others are open and hasty. Propensity to diversity in intimate life, can also be identified by the date of birth of a person, his sign of the zodiac. If you are interested in the question of which sex signs of the zodiac or how the zodiac signs behave after sex, then this article is especially for you.

How are sex signs of the zodiac?

  1. Fire element - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. People who swarm under these signs are energetic and conquer their partner with perseverance, most often they themselves are initiators of intimacy, because they are not used to restrain themselves and act in a fit of emotion. Passion is what guides such people. After sex, they like to listen to praise in their address. They like to experiment, to acquire a new erotic experience.
  2. Air element - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. All the air signs are very mysterious. Such individuals can spend a lot of time looking for the ideal partner, but when they find it, their relationship lasts a rather long period. They have a very high opinion of themselves, so they are looking for the same partner to be with him on an equal footing. The same scheme of equality they pursue in sex, because the pleasure should be equivalent.
  3. Water element - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac do not like haste, this applies to both the pace of life and habits in sex. In bed, not very active, like to play a passive role. These people always know what to expect from an intimacy and know how to get it. Often act intuitively, so they always know when and what should be done, that a partner likes
  4. Earth element - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. These signs are very attractive and do not know the end of representatives of the opposite. People born under these signs of the zodiac are scrupulous, therefore, to engage in sex are treated as a whole theatrical action, to which you must carefully prepare. They do not share the notion of love and sex, that's why they come into intimacy with their beloved ones.

If the description of the signs of the zodiac does not fit the description of your partner's intimate preferences, then it is quite possible that he himself has not figured out yet what he likes sex and what does not.