What kind of lubricant to choose?

To intimate relationships do not bring unpleasant sensations, it is important to think through all the details: starting from the atmosphere in the room and finishing with a lubricant, when the question arises, which one to choose with such a variety. But the lubrication in the sexual act plays an important role. If in men the sexual organ can be moistened throughout the intercourse, in women this phenomenon is observed only at first. As a result, when it seems that the couple is approaching the long-awaited orgasm, the partner can feel unpleasant, uncomfortable sensations as a result of excessive dryness in the genital area.

What is the best lubricant?

All lubricants and lubricants, depending on the composition, are divided into silicone, fatty and water-based. Some are recommended to use only in cases of vaginal sex, and there are those that are created specifically for anal, oral.

Those that are water-based , quickly dry out, and, therefore, ideal for vaginal sex. Such lubricants are easily washed off, which can not be said about silicone. In addition, their pricing policy is not that high. The positive aspect is that, a water-based lubricant can be used with a variety of sexual toys. Do not damage latex or silicone. They also leave no traces on the bed or clothes. Here you can find lubricants with an exciting effect, thanks to which the partners have an unthinkable desire for sexual intimacy. If to speak about more exact names, doctors recommend using the following lubricants:

Greases on a fatty basis consist of vegetative fat, natural components of a phytogenesis. For masturbation, oral or vaginal sex, they are irreplaceable. They last longer than regular lubricants. However, it is not recommended to apply to sex toys, a condom . Yes, and should be careful because such a lubricant is difficult to wash off the body and it leaves stains on the tissues. Lubricants-prolongators, belonging to this category, are aimed at preventing premature ejaculation. The best lubricants of this type include the following:

Lubricants on a silicone base are suitable for anal sex. A couple of drops is enough for the whole sexual intercourse. They do not dry up, and besides they are not easy to wash off from the body with soap or shower gel. Only it is not recommended to use them in combination with sex toys. Otherwise, you can damage the product. These include spermicidal lubricants, which kill microbes better than others and protect the partner's sexual organs from the penetration of various microorganisms into them: