Sclerosis of cerebral vessels - symptoms, treatment

If the time does not begin to treat the symptoms of cerebrovascular sclerosis, the disease can lead to very unpleasant consequences. This ailment is considered one of the most common forms of vascular damage, which causes a violation of blood circulation in the brain.

Symptoms of sclerosis of cerebral vessels

At the heart of the disease - a violation of fat metabolism. Due to the fact that the substance is not completely processed and not withdrawn, atherosclerotic plaques are formed. The lumen in the cerebral arteries narrows.

There are several main stages of the disease:

  1. At the stage of the initial manifestations of sclerosis of cerebral vessels, no one usually even treats folk remedies. The illness almost does not manifest itself. And irritability, headaches , absent-mindedness and fatigue people write off to hard work, unfavorable weather conditions and other factors.
  2. At the stage of progression, all symptoms are more pronounced. The patient may become depressed and become overly hypochondriac. Some suffer from dizziness, speech, movement, hearing and hearing impairment. Many people begin to tremble their hands, there are problems with sleep.
  3. The heaviest is the stage of decompensation. It is characterized by memory loss, mental disorders, paralysis. Some patients can not service themselves.

Treatment of cerebrovascular sclerosis

When atherosclerosis it is desirable to follow a diet: to consume less salty, fatty, smoked, and to make a blow on oatmeal, cottage cheese, potatoes and other products that purify the body of cholesterol. Patients are useful in physical exercises or at least regular walking on fresh air.

From drugs for the treatment of cerebrovascular sclerosis often used: