Symptoms of glaucoma

Did you notice that your side vision worsened? Eyes are very tired and sore from overexertion? It seems that it's time to visit the ophthalmologist and check the level of intraocular pressure. These signs are characteristic for glaucoma - a dangerous disease that develops gradually, but over time can cause a loss of vision.

The first signs of glaucoma

There are several types of disease depending on its origin and two types, differing in the mechanism that led to increased intraocular pressure:

The first is considered more dangerous, it is more difficult to treat and has a worse prognosis, but the most unpleasant thing is that the signs of glaucoma in the early stages almost always appear imperceptibly. A person simply does not pay attention to those signals that send him an organism and valuable time is lost. Here are the first signs of eye glaucoma that can not be ignored:

  1. The so-called tunnel vision. The patient retains a clear perception of objects that he sees directly in front of him, while the lateral appearance gradually falls and eventually disappears completely. If you notice that your side vision is getting worse - visit an ophthalmologist soon.
  2. Vision deteriorates in the twilight and darkness.
  3. Reduces the overall visual acuity of one eye. Glaucoma usually develops asymmetrically and very slowly. A person may not notice at all that one eye has practically ceased to see.
  4. When looking at the light source, rainbow circles before the eyes and bright glare can appear.

Other signs of cataract and glaucoma

Very often glaucoma leads to the development of cataracts . In the late stages of the symptoms of both diseases manifested a sharp pain in the brow, in the forehead. Permanent eye fatigue may occur. With an acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma, sudden complete loss of vision is also possible. Pain can be given to the abdomen and under the shoulder blade.