Inflammation of the middle ear

The middle ear is a kind of "transmitter" of sound oscillations from the ear to the outside, to the inner ear. Being a fairly fragile organ connected to the nasopharynx, the middle ear is prone to inflammation caused by colds and infectious diseases. As a rule, children under 3-4 years of age are affected by the middle ear. This is explained by the fact that the formation of the middle ear at this age is not yet completed and is easily exposed to inflammation. But the disease is not excluded in adults.

Signs and development of middle ear inflammation

A classic sign of trouble in the body is pain. But with otitis, pain may not occur immediately. The first bell of the middle ear inflammation can be:

As a rule, inflammation of the middle ear proceeds against the background of ARVI and, with proper treatment, these symptoms disappear. In this period, the inflammation of the middle ear is prescribed to treat drops in the nose (for narrowing the vessels) and for the ears (Otium, Otipax, Albucid).

But it also happens that over time, the pathogen medium begins to develop in the middle ear. During this period the disease appears pain. The pain can be:

A small child can diagnose the presence of pain with a slight pressure on the tragus (cartilaginous protrusion in front of the ear). The temperature during this period can rise to 38-39 degrees. In connection with painful sensations, aggravated by swallowing, loss of appetite and weakness are possible. Appear purulent discharge. During this period of the disease, it is possible to treat the inflammation of the middle ear with antibiotics.

After a thorough examination and diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe, depending on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body:

Perhaps the appointment of physiotherapy (UHF, UHF).

How to treat inflammation of the middle ear with the help of folk methods?

One of the effective ways to alleviate pain and other symptoms can be a semi-alcohol warming compress:

  1. For this compress can come vodka, cologne, boric alcohol . It must be diluted 1: 1 with water.
  2. Wet gauze and, squeezing out excess liquid, put it around the ear, leaving the ear itself not closed. From above lay polyethylene (without closing the ear) or parchment paper and insulate with cotton. Lock with scarf or handkerchief.
  3. This compress lasts 1-2 hours.

Another variant of the compress may be bread:

  1. To do this, remove from the loaf of black bread crust.
  2. Warm it over a water bath (in a colander or sieve) and overlay her ear.
  3. Fix the same as the usual compress (polyethylene, cotton wool, scarf).
  4. This compress keeps the heat up to 3-4 hours and quickly relieves pain.

At the initial degree of inflammation of the middle ear for treatment, you can use drops of basil juice or chemist's oil basil. Children are digested with 2-3 drops, in adults this dose is increased to 7-10 drops. Basil oil relieves painful sensations and helps to relieve inflammation.

Complications of middle ear inflammation

Badly treated otitis can go to the chronic stage and cause regular inflammation in the ear throughout life, gradually causing deafness.

There may also be a complication in the form of mastoiditis (inflammation of the mastoid process in the ear) with a purulent lesion of nearby tissues.