Riddles for children 5 years old

One of the favorite entertainments for preschoolers are playful riddles. Such fun is perfect for both a single baby and a group of children of the same age. Children aged 4-5 years are very fond of feeling superior to their peers, so they like to solve simple riddles for speed. Often, such entertainments are used in the kindergarten as well, in order to occupy the kids for a while.

In this article we will tell you what is the use of this fun for children, and also give a selection of interesting puzzles for children of 5 years that will help you entertain your child, and he is interested in spending time and recharging with positive energy for a long time.

Than useful riddles for preschool children?

Solving of riddles is mischievous and cheerful entertainment, which, moreover, promotes the development of intellect, imagination, creative, abstract, logical, figurative and associative thinking. In addition, the child learns to listen carefully, since most often the correct answer lies in the very text of the puzzle.

Also, while in the process of guessing, the child is forced to compare several variants coming to his mind to choose from them the only correct one. All this develops the ability to isolate certain characteristics and properties of the guessed object and establish logical connections between different objects. Finally, having coped with the task, the little one gets confidence in himself and his forces.

Do not forget that the unraveling of riddles improves the child's vocabulary enormously and promotes the formation of literate and correct speech. With their help, you can introduce the baby to the names of objects of a certain category, for example, animals, plants, insects, mushrooms, fruits and vegetables and so on. All these skills will be extremely useful for five-year-old children, because in the near future they will help them to successfully comprehend the school curriculum.

Simple puzzles for little children 5 years old

The following simple puzzles are perfect for even the smallest children who have never played such games:

Dad and mom are at home with me,

So today is the day ... (day off).


On the stove - the pot chief,

Thick long-nosed ... (teapot).


Four wheels,

Rubber tires,

Motor and brakes,

So what is this? (a car).


Hop and skok,

Long ears,

White side (hare).

Riddle rhymes for children 5 years old about fruits and vegetables, as well as animals

It is best for children of 4-5 years and their parents to come up with riddles, rhymes, the text of which is a short quatrain. They are quite easy to remember and, moreover, it is always interesting to guess.

The most popular topics for guessing riddles in pre-school kids are all kinds of animals, as well as vegetables and fruits. Such objects are constantly found in everyday life, therefore, such riddles can be offered to the child simply between the cases as a training for the mind. In particular, about animals, as well as fruits and vegetables, you can offer the child the following riddles-rhymes:

Shell is not a shirt,

It's a house, it's not scary.

And the hostess looks proudly -

I'm at peace in the house! (turtle).


He is slow, fanged,

His paws are like flippers,

And in the zoo pool

The beast to the north is hot. (walrus).


Admire yourself soon!

In front of you is the king of beasts,

The miracle-mane stirred up,

Silky and beautiful. (a lion).


Champion in fast running,

I sometimes drive carts.

Uncle groom brought me

Water, hay and oats. (horse).


Man is a true friend,

I can hear every sound.

I have an excellent nose,

A sharp eye and sharp hearing. (dog).


We are on a tree high

They were poured with sweet juice.

Look, they are ripe!

We nod to everyone from the leaves. (apples).


The bird in the hole,

The tail in the yard.

Who tears the feathers,

That tears wipes. (bow).


Beads are green,

Worm drilled,

A girl is not worn,

The earth is abandoned in the cheese. (green pea).


Red nose

The land has grown.

Sits and is afraid,

Suddenly, who will bite off. (carrot).

Riddles-additives for children 5 years old

Enigmatic additives also represent a small poem, in most cases consisting of four lines. From the previous type they are distinguished by the fact that the word-guess is a part of the poem, or more precisely, its ending. Thus, the child needs to pick up a word that not only approaches the riddle in meaning, but also harmoniously fits into the rhyme itself. Such fun can touch absolutely any topic, for example, boys and girls necessarily like such puzzles as:

He howls to the moon at night,

Silly who will open the door to him.

Eat belchas and hares regiment

Very wicked toothy ... (wolf).


In the water sugar, from products

Syplyem only dried fruits,

We cook about an hour, and here

It turns out ... (compote).


Bright mini-helicopter

Leaves for the flight.

But why did he need his eyes?

Yes, he just ... (dragonfly).


We are in it in winter and in summer

From head to toe dressed,

Even at night we can not take off,

Because it's ... (skin).


He is faster than a man

Multiply two numbers,

In it a hundred times the library

I could fit myself,

Only there it is possible to open

One hundred windows per minute.

It's not difficult to guess,

What a riddle about ... (computer).

Riddles on logic with a trick for children 5 years old

As a rule, such puzzles cause certain difficulties for toddlers. However, they are the best simulator for the brain, so at least sometimes it is necessary to offer your son or daughter like entertainment, for example:

Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother with a granddaughter. How many are there? (three people: grandmother, mother and girl).


One man has four sons and each of them has a sister. How many children does he have? (five).


Liquid, not water, white, not snow. (milk).


Five candles burned in the room. Two candles were put out. How much is left? (two candles, the others burned down).