Cholestasis - Symptoms

In a healthy body, the bile secretly enters the 12-colon for food digestion. In the case of disorders in the formation, isolation and excretion of the biological fluid, cholestasis begins - the symptoms of this condition depend on its intensity, as well as the site in which the pathological process occurs.

There are intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholestatic syndrome. The first type is associated with a deterioration in the synthesis of bile and its entry into the bile capillaries. Extrahepatic form of the disease is characterized by dysfunction of the bile duct system or change in their patency.

Symptoms of hepatic cholestasis syndrome

Main clinical manifestations of the condition:

  1. Xanthomas and xanthelasms. On the skin appear flat or slightly elevated, small, soft formations of a yellowish hue. They are localized, as a rule, on the eyelids, neck, back and chest. Sometimes xanthomas are found under the mammary glands, in the folds of the palms.
  2. Steatorrhoea and Acholia feces. Due to the violation of bile flow, as well as absorption in the small intestine of lipid compounds, fecal masses become discolored and become oily.
  3. Darkening of urine. Excess bilirubin in the blood leads to its abundant accumulation in the urine, because of what it acquires a shade of black tea or dark beer.

One of the specific symptoms in cholestasis is the itching of the skin, resulting from irritation of the nerve endings with bile acids. As a rule, this sign precedes jaundice.

The following conditions may accompany chronic pathology:

Symptoms of extrahepatic cholestasis

Both types of the disease are almost the same, so to establish an accurate diagnosis exclusively in the clinical course is impossible. Additional instrumental research is required.

Specific symptoms of cholestasis outside the liver include: