Cone on the neck behind

When, with the usual showering or combing, a lump on the back of the neck is found, even the quietest person can panic. A visit to a doctor, if revealed, would be dangerous to postpone such an education, however, at the outgrowths behind the neck there may be completely innocuous reasons.

Swelling of the lymph node

A cone on the back of the right or left in the area of ​​the lymph nodes may become the first sign of a malignant tumor. In this case, the formation of dense and sedentary, with the pressure on him, the pain is not felt:

Lymphogranulomatosis - on the background of lymph node involvement in one place (more often around the neck), a high temperature appears before which aspirin, antibiotics, is powerless. Among the first signs of a tumor is itchy skin, which is also not eliminated by any medications.

Lymphatic leukemia - in addition to the defeat of the lymph nodes on the neck, sweating, weakness, poor resistance to infections, heaviness in the abdomen (due to a lesion of the spleen).

Far from always a hard lump on the back of the neck is a symptom of oncology, but it still is necessary for the surgeon to appear.

By the way, the inflammation of the lymph nodes also can look outwardly as a bump - pressing on it causes painful sensations. The reason for this condition is a cold or a strong decrease in immunity.

Lipoma or Wen

The most common reason for the appearance of a cone on the back of the neck is the fat, the treatment of which is not always necessary. This benign formation is also called lipoma, but it is a collection of adipose tissue under the skin. With palpation, it easily moves under the skin, without causing pain.

Wearing tight clothing can cause discomfort, in addition, the lipoma is a noticeable cosmetic defect. Education can be removed surgically, but it does not pose a threat to life and health, unless it grows at a rapid pace. The reason is the peculiarities of the metabolism, which largely depend on the hereditary factor.

Fibrolipoma and atheroma

Fibrolipoma is called a benign formation, which in appearance is not much different from a wen and consists of a combination of fat and fibrous tissue. Such a bump on the back is removed by liposuction or surgically.

Atheroma is the sebaceous cyst cyst. It also looks like a bumpkin next to the scalp and has a soft, elastic consistency, does not cause pain, but can be festered, therefore it requires removal.


Appeared little bump on the back of the neck, which hurts, which is especially felt when pressing - this is most likely a boil.

By presenting a necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle, the boil may occur due to trauma with infection or non-compliance with hygiene rules. It is caused, as a rule, by golden staphylococcus aureus.

In the center of the "matured" furuncle is a purulent stem with a dark head. The surface of such a cone is lubricated with antiseptic solutions. When the boil opens, the wound is treated with a hypertonic solution (sodium chloride), a sterile bandage is applied.

Muscle tightness

If you have a lump on the back of the spine, do not worry: this is quite common among women over 35 years of age, whose physical activity is high. A cone is formed due to a tightening of the muscles or vice versa - a sedentary lifestyle, which also leads to osteochondrosis. Another reason - the increased work of the adrenal gland and the formation of the so-called. "Buffalo hump," which happens to women in constant stress.

Such a build-up can cause discomfort, and massage can help to remove it. Very useful are yoga classes.