Acid-base balance of the body

Water is an important component of any living organism. In the cells of the human body contains about 80% of water. The ratio of acid and alkali - pH-value in a healthy body corresponds to certain numbers. The pH level is determined by the analysis of urine and saliva. An increase in the concentration of positively charged ions when the pH is close to zero is an acid shift (acidosis), an increase in the number of hydroxyl ions to a pH of 14.0 is an alkaline shift (alkalosis).

Note: you can determine the pH-level yourself using test strips, which are easy to obtain at the pharmacy. The test strips are accompanied by an instruction, which provides an accessible explanation for determining the level of acid-base balance.

Violation of acid-base balance in the human body

Many specialists in dietetics believe that a violation of the acid-base balance in the body poses a real threat to human health, and a balanced pH environment is an indispensable condition for normal metabolism, and, therefore, helps to resist diseases.

Increase in acidity in the body

In the acidified organism, the supply of oxygen to organs and tissues is difficult. In addition, the body suffers from a lack of minerals, which, in turn, makes the bones fragile, causes cardiovascular disorders, etc.

The acid balance of the body is shifted for the following reasons:

Symptoms of unfavorable changes in the acid-base balance of the body towards increasing acidity are:

Increase of alkali content in the body

Usually, alkalosis develops with the abuse of certain types of medicines and the lack of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet. With increased alkali content, food and minerals are poorly digested. This leads to the following consequences:

Recovery of acid-base balance of the body

In order to maintain an optimum ratio of alkali and acid, it is necessary:

Many products have a significant effect on the acid-base balance of the body. To reduce acidity, you need to consume more alkaline food, in order to increase them - include more oxidizing products in the diet.

Acid-forming products include:

Leaching food products are characterized by a high water content. Among them - most of the vegetables and fruits.

Neutral food is: