Inflammation of the sebaceous glands

Sebaceous glands are called skin glands, the secret of which is fatty grease for the surface of hair and skin. They are located almost on the entire skin of a person and sometimes in their work there may be failures that lead to inflammation. This is not a threat to health, but if you do not know how to treat the inflammation of the sebaceous glands, then the skin will have various defects.

Causes of inflammation of the sebaceous glands

The most common cause of inflammation of the sebaceous glands are hormonal changes in the transition years. During this period, both in girls and boys, the content of the male sexual hormone androgen increases, which causes a disturbance in the composition of sebum and provokes an increase in the sebaceous glands, where bacteria can easily enter. Most often for this reason, the inflammation of the sebaceous gland appears on the face, back and shoulders in the form of acne. The complexity of the course of such an inflammatory process depends on the number of bacteria and the individual sensitivity of these microorganisms.

Also, the inflammation of the sebaceous glands can cause:

Inflammation of the sebaceous glands behind the ear, armpits or in the areas of the crotch may appear due to the wearing of tight clothing, headgear and the use of antiperspirants and other cosmetic products.

Treatment of the inflammation of the sebaceous glands

There is no universal method for treating inflammation of the sebaceous glands. If you have only a few glands inflamed, and there is no strong reddening of the skin, it is enough to undergo light cosmetic procedures, combining them with the use of external antibacterial drugs. To work in the treatment can be ointments of tetracycline series, which normalize saloobrazovanie, as well as Erythromycin or Nystatin.

In severe cases of inflammation of the sebaceous gland, for example, when the infection appeared on the eyelid or spread to large areas of the skin, it is necessary to constantly disinfect the skin and take immunostimulating drugs (this may be Staphyloantifagin, Staphylovaccine, Staphyloanatoxin or Streptovaccin). Also during treatment it is necessary to take vitamins of group B , yeast and sulfur.

For a faster recovery from the inflammation of the sebaceous glands, you must follow a diet that provides for the restriction of fats and harmful carbohydrates.

Folk methods of treating the inflammation of the sebaceous glands

If the inflammation of the sebaceous gland has appeared on the back, shoulders or face, you can use for its treatment some recipes of folk medicine:

  1. In equal proportions, mix the gruel from the apples and the grated root of the horseradish. Apply the mixture to problem areas once a week for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Make 300 ml of juice from fresh nettles (dioecious), celery and dandelion. After 60 minutes after breakfast, drink 100 ml of nettle juice, after another 60 minutes - 100 ml of dandelion juice, and after 60 minutes - celery juice. Repeat the reception of juices after dinner and dinner. This procedure should be done 2 times in 7 days throughout the month.
  3. Prepare a decoction of 30 grams of young cones and spruce branches and 1 liter of milk (cook the mixture for 30 minutes, infuse until it cools, and strain). Drink this product to 200 ml three times a day.

When the inflammation of the sebaceous glands has arisen on the head or on other hairy areas, it is necessary to thoroughly degrease the skin and improve salonification. To do this, you can treat the skin with a mixture of an equal amount of aloe juice , honey, castor oil and lemon juice.

Also for the external treatment of the inflammatory process, a salt procedure is suitable:

  1. On the skin, apply soap foam, pre-mixed with a fine salt.
  2. A circular motion of the fingers is good to massage the problem area.
  3. After 5 minutes, wash everything off with hot and cold water.