How to properly use honey, so that it will be useful?

Honey is one of the most useful natural products, which has a very wide range of effects on the body as a whole, individual organs and systems. But to be useful, you need to know how to properly use honey. Excessive and uncontrolled use of honey and other products of beekeeping can lead to negative consequences, since in addition to their useful properties, they are also powerful allergens.

How much and how correctly to use honey?

A useful property of honey is not only its ability to stimulate the immune system and strengthen the body, it is also known as one of the components of fat-burning drinks, medicines for reducing blood pressure, an excellent means for regulating gastric acidity, a healing product for calming nerves and eliminating insomnia. The uniqueness of honey lies in the fact that in small quantities it can be consumed even by diabetics, but for children under 2 years of age, honey should not be given or used with caution.

For the disclosure of each of the properties of honey, there is a system and recipes. How to use honey correctly:

  1. With a cold, angina and bronchitis - 1 tbsp. Spoon the honey into a glass of warm water or milk and take several times during the day. Mix honey with sliced ​​lemon and a slice of garlic, let it brew for one night, take 6-7 times to knock. Drink herbal teas (chamomile, lime blossom, yarrow) with honey. One rule is that honey should not be placed in a hot drink, but it loses most of its properties.
  2. With cardiovascular disease, honey can be taken in combination with lemon, sea-buckthorn , mountain ash, hawthorn, but not more than 100-150 g in knocking. Honey strengthens the heart muscle and helps reduce pressure.
  3. With reduced acidity, colitis and ulcers honey acts as an anesthetic. However, with increased acidity can cause heartburn, so it should be used in a well-diluted form - 1 tablespoon. on a glass of warm water or herbal infusion (plantain, chamomile, calendula, oregano, elecampane).
  4. When insomnia, honey should be consumed an hour before bedtime, dissolving 1 tablespoon. in a glass of water and drink in a gulp. There is also a well-known recipe for insomnia warm milk with honey and a pinch of turmeric.
  5. To strengthen immunity and heart muscle, you can prepare Amosov's paste, which includes 500 grams of dried apricots, raisins, figs, prunes, walnuts, lemon and honey.

There are many more recipes, how to properly use honey, but you need to know how to store it. In hermetically sealed vessels, honey can retain its medicinal properties for a very long time. Optimal storage temperature is not more than 20 degrees. It is best to keep honey on the bottom shelves of the refrigerator in glass, ceramic, clay and enamel ware, it is important to exclude access to sunlight and contact with metal objects, for example, lids.