Tea with sea-buckthorn

Sea-buckthorn tea is an original and very useful drink that can be easily prepared at home. It is considered the best medicine for the treatment of the nervous system and various skin diseases. Long since sea ​​buckthorn was called the "royal berry", thanks to its incredibly rich in vitamins composition and useful medicinal properties. Let's find out with you how to make tea from sea-buckthorn.

Tea with sea-buckthorn and honey



So, the sea-buckthorn is thoroughly washed and cleared of debris. Then transfer the processed berries to a bowl and with the help of a mortar grind them to a homogeneous state, in puree. After that, we shift the mass into the teapot, add the remaining whole berries, black tea and fill everything with boiling water. Give the drink to brew for 10-15 minutes, covering the dishes with a towel. That's all, sea-buckthorn tea is ready! Pour it through a strainer into the cups, add a little honey to taste and serve it to the table.

Tea with sea-buckthorn and ginger



The root of ginger is cleaned and rubbed on a small grater, or chopped with a sharp knife. Seabuckthorn is processed and milled using a blender into a homogeneous mass. Then mix the berry puree with the prepared ginger and put the mass in the glasses. We add a stick of cinnamon, honey to taste and a star of badyan. Fill with steep boiling water and leave to infuse for about 7 minutes.

Tea with sea-buckthorn



Seabuckthorn we sort out and properly rub with sugar. We shift the resulting mixture into a teapot, add the leaves of currant, sea buckthorn, St. John's wort in equal parts and fill everything with steep boiling water. Brew the drink for 10 minutes, and then pour into glasses and call everyone for a tea ceremony.

Recipe for tea with sea-buckthorn



To make a drink, brew black tea to your taste. Add a few teaspoons of sea buckthorn and sugar. We remove the pear from the crust, cut it into small cubes and put it in tea. Leave to brew the drink for 15 minutes, and then pour it on the cups.