How to cook zizus?

Many are confused when they first encounter fruits called zizifus . Most have not even heard of the existence of such a plant, and some just confuse it with dates. As a rule, these are residents of the central and northern regions of our country, who are familiar with all the delights of this winter.

Next, we will tell you what can be prepared from the fruits of the winter for winter and will offer several variations of simple recipes.

How to cook jam from jesus?



  1. Jam from the ziphuis is prepared on the same principle as other fruits and berries with minor amendments. In this case, the washed fruits should be blanched for four minutes in boiling water and each with a fork.
  2. Now, from water, filtered sugar and acid, lemon brew syrup, warming up the ingredients until all the crystals are dissolved and boiling, and then pour the prepared ziziphous mixture with a hot mixture, laying it first in a container suitable for cooking jam.
  3. After twelve hours, when the fruits are a little soaked, we have a container on the stove and heat it with periodic stirring until boiling. Jam can be cooked in one step, withstand it immediately on fire for forty minutes, or use a three-time ten-minute boil, complete cooling and infusion.
  4. Delicacy packaged only on sterile jars and only hot, after that we seal them tightly and leave to cool under a warm "coat".

How to cook candied fruits from ziphis?



  1. For the preparation of candied fruits, the washed zizifus is kept in small portions in boiling water for four minutes and we puncture each berry with a fork.
  2. Now mix the water with sugar and lemon acid, cook the syrup, pour the prepared fruits in a hot form and leave it soaked for at least twelve hours.
  3. After a while, heat the zizifus with syrup to a boil, boil for ten minutes on the lowest heat, then leave it again to infuse. Repeat the procedure for heating, boiling and cooling a couple of times.
  4. After the last boiling, we spread the hot, sweet, sweet fruit on a sieve or grate with a tray and leave it for a while to drain.
  5. After that, dry the candied fruits in the sun, in the oven or in the dryer.

How to cook sun dried zifefus, how dates?



  1. The initial stage of the preparation of dates from the ziphys is very similar to the technology of preparation of jam or candied fruit, but the syrup is less concentrated. Blanching the fruit in this case, we will not, but simply nakolim their fork in several places.
  2. Sugar is poured into boiled water, we completely melt all the crystals, continuously mixing the mixture, and boil a minute.
  3. Now we throw in the syrup prepared ziphifus and after repeated boiling we cook the fruit for two minutes, trying to maintain only a barely noticeable boiling.
  4. Turn off the plate after that and leave the workpiece insisted and cool for about 12 hours.
  5. After a lapse of time three times we warm up ziziphous in syrup, boil a couple of minutes and then cool and insist. After the last cooking and cooling, we take the fruits on a grate with a tray and let it drain.
  6. The next stage of preparation of delicacies is the direct drying of the ziphys. For its implementation, you can use a heated to 50 degree oven or electric dryer, adjusting it for a similar temperature regime. If we dry the fruits in the oven, then its door must be ajar so that the evaporating moisture leaves the device unhindered.
  7. Dried zizifus, as well as candied fruits, is perfectly preserved even under room conditions, without losing its taste and valuable properties.