Fitbol for weight loss

Initially, the ball was used to rehabilitate patients with back problems, and eventually began to use fitball for other purposes, including slimming. Today almost every fitness center has classes that use this ball.

Classes with a fitball for weight loss will help:

  1. To form a beautiful and correct posture. During the exercises, the back muscles actively work on the ball, which form a strong corset.
  2. Make a beautiful relief of the press. To maintain balance throughout the entire exercise, you must constantly keep the press in tension.
  3. Significantly increase stamina and strength. During exercise, all muscle groups work, which allow to improve the tone of the whole organism.
  4. Get rid of back pain and even some diseases, and also increase its flexibility .
  5. Improve the flexibility of the whole body. Exercises on fitbole will help to make an excellent stretching, which can not be obtained with any other exercises.
  6. Get rid of extra pounds. During lessons on the ball, metabolism is accelerated, which helps burn fat stores in the body.

How to choose a fitball for weight loss?

Such a ball for aerobic exercise is quite inexpensive. When choosing a fitball, you must always pay attention to the quality of the material from which the ball is made. Substandard specimens have an unpleasant smell of rubber, which even with time does not erode. Pay attention to the label on which the maximum size of the ball is indicated, but it is not recommended to inflate it so much, as the risk of its rupture increases. To find the right diameter for your growth, use the values ​​in the table.

Diameter of the ball, cm Height, cm
55 152-164
65 164-180
75 180-200
85 > 200

Another effective method - to sit on the ball, knees should find a little lower than the pelvis.

Weight Loss Fitball

Training on the ball will help you improve the condition of your press, back, arms and legs.

  1. Exercise number 1 - sit-ups. Such an exercise is recommended for all who have a feeling of pain in the back, including the pregnant. Take the ball and become your back to the wall, put the fitball between you and the wall. Squat until there is 90 degrees between the hips and the foot. To the ball does not drop out and does not interfere, it is necessary to press it tightly against the wall. Do 10 sit-ups.
  2. Exercise number 2 - jumping. To strengthen the legs and buttocks it is necessary to perform jumping on the fitball for weight loss. Jump so that the legs do not come off the floor, but the buttocks from the ball. Jump until you feel fatigue in your legs, about 40 jumps.
  3. Exercise number 3 - twisting. You need to arrange so that the main emphasis was on the palm, which should be directly under the shoulders, and the ball is located under the ankles. The body must be parallel to the floor. Your task is to pull your knees up to your chest while exhaling, and on inhalation will return to their original position. Repeat 10-15 times.
  4. Exercise number 4 - press. Place on the ball in such a way that it is under the hips, and you did not ride it. The emphasis of the body should be on the socks and on the ball, and place your hands behind your head. On exhalation, lift the body, as high as possible, lower it with inhalation. Do 15 repetitions.
  5. Exercise number 5 - rolling. Get on your knees and put your hands on the ball. Your task is to strain the press and, leaning forward, roll on your elbows. Stay in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 15 times.

Such simple exercises will help you lose weight and improve the condition of your body. Train at least 3 times a week, if there is a desire, then more.