27th week of pregnancy - what happens to the baby and mom?

The second half of pregnancy is characterized by increased fetal growth, improving the performance of its internal organs and systems. Every day the baby adds weight, gradually develops adaptive skills. Noteworthy is the 27th week of pregnancy, at which the respiratory system begins to ripen.

27 weeks of pregnancy - how many months?

Obstetricians always display the duration of gestation in weeks, so some pregnant women have difficulty translating them into months. Doctors for simplification of calculations conditionally take the length of the month for 4 weeks. In this case, the number of days in each is 30, regardless of the calendar duration of the month.

Given these features, you can calculate: 27 weeks - this is the seventh month of pregnancy, more precisely - 6 months and 3 weeks. It should be noted that such calculations are conditional, and the duration of gestation established in this way differs from the real one and is referred to as the obstetric term of pregnancy. It is about 24 days longer than embryonic (it is considered from the day of conception).

27th week of pregnancy - what happens to the baby?

The child at the 27th week of pregnancy is growing rapidly. This is due to the active development of his brain. The pituitary gland begins to produce a large amount of somatotropin, a hormone responsible for growth. In parallel, there is an activation of other endocrine glands: pancreas, thyroid. These anatomical formations are responsible for metabolic processes in the body of the baby, the level of calcium in his body, the development of mental abilities. The fetus gradually loses its dependence on the maternal hormonal background.

By this time all internal systems and organs have been formed. Active development continues the immune, respiratory and nervous systems. The lungs form alveoli with alveolar courses. The development of a surfactant - a substance that helps to open up easily after the first breath is made to the newborn, prevents the alveoli from sticking together.

27 weeks gestation - weight and growth of the fetus

The fetus on the 27th week of pregnancy reaches impressive sizes and continues to grow. The length of his body at this moment is 36-37 cm, and his weight is 850-900 g. As the size of the body increases, the expectant mother begins to feel his intense movements, the tremors become more and more powerful, so they can not be ignored. It must be remembered that the growth and weight of the future infant directly depend on:

27th week of pregnancy - fetal development

When the pregnancy is 27 weeks, fetal development is aimed at improving his skills, developing new adaptive reactions. The baby is gradually being prepared for the new conditions. Reflexes are noticeably more complicated: he opens and closes his eyes, can easily find his hand with his mouth and often sucks a finger. By this time he performs training breathing movements, periodically swallowing amniotic fluid.

Often, when the 27th week of pregnancy goes on, the infant's vital rhythms are already established. The baby sleeps at about the same time, awake. However, his regime does not always coincide with his mother. Some pregnant women are forced to adjust to the routine of the future child's day, changing their habits, rebuilding to a new rhythm of life. Fortunately, my mother quickly gets used to the changes.

27th week of pregnancy - fetal movement

Twitches on the 27th week of pregnancy acquire a greater intensity, while the number of them completely depends on the regime of the baby's day. The fruit is active mainly in the daytime and in the evening. Immediately this time the doctors are called suitable for calculating the number of perturbations. This parameter is taken into account when assessing the general condition of the infant.

There are several methods for calculating the number of perturbations. In most cases, gynecologists recommend counting the number of shouts and active movements during the day, beginning at 9-10 am and ending at 6-7 pm. During this period of time, the pregnant woman should record at least 10 episodes of the baby's activity. On average, the fruit makes itself felt 3-4 times per hour. If the future mother has less than 10 shifts, then this should be reported to the doctor. Changes in the motor activity of the fetus indicate such possible violations as:

27th week of pregnancy - what does the baby look like?

The baby at the 27th week of pregnancy looks like a newborn baby. By this time, he has formed the facial part of the skull, formed the organs of vision and hearing. At carrying out of US on this term the doctor can notice, that eyes of the baby are already opened. On the head there are hair, the pigmentation of which occurs at this time. With the help of modern ultrasonic devices, all these changes can be considered in detail.

When the 27th week of pregnancy comes, the color of the skin gradually changes from red to pink. There is an increase in the thickness of the layer of subcutaneous fat. Due to this formation in the first days of life, the newborn will receive missing fats, which, splitting, give energy and strength to the baby. The body of the baby at this time gradually begins to round off, there are pronounced folds of the skin, characteristic of children.

27th week of pregnancy - what happens with mom?

Wanting to know how the 27th week of pregnancy is going on, what happens at this time in the mother's body, pregnant women often address a similar question to the doctor. Among the obvious changes, it is necessary to note the external transformation of the organism. Thus, the weight at the 27th week of pregnancy continues to increase and, on average, the increment by this time is 5-7 kg. This value is variable, because it is influenced by factors such as:

According to the established norms, at this time the woman adds 300-500 g for 1 calendar week. In addition, the 27th week of pregnancy is characterized by a change in the posture and gait of a pregnant woman. As the period increases, the fetal body mass increases, which causes the center of gravity to shift. The stomach pulls down more and more, so the woman spreads her shoulders to ease the feeling and relieve the load on the spine, throwing them back.

Pregnancy 27 weeks - development of the fetus and sensation

The twenty-seventh week of pregnancy for many pregnant women is associated with constant fatigue. A woman is pestered with painful sensations, shortness of breath, heaviness, stool, bloating, heartburn. These phenomena are associated with the rapid growth of the fetus and the increase in the size of the uterus. The genital organ exerts an increasing pressure on neighboring organs, as a result of which the symptoms appear.

The baby is already able to react to what is happening. He perceives the mood of his mother, together with her is able to experience emotions. If the baby is concerned about something, does not like it, it will necessarily signal this by increasing its motor activity. Given this, the expectant mother should completely exclude the experience, stress, pay more attention to the child, communicating with him.

Belly at 27 weeks gestation

The abdomen shows up in the seventh month of pregnancy. At this time the bottom of the uterus is set 5-7 cm above the navel or 27-28 cm, if you count from the lone articulation. In this case, the pregnant woman begins to experience some discomfort associated with an increase in the volume of the stomach:

In some cases, increased activity causes painful sensations. They need to be able to differentiate from those that indicate a violation. Cramping, severe pain for a long time, not stopping alone require medical intervention, so a visit to the doctor should be urgent.

Allocations at 27 weeks gestation

Normally, in the seventh month of pregnancy, vaginal discharge is unpronounced, does not have color, odor, extraneous impregnations. In this case, the pregnant woman does not bother. Anxiety should cause a discoloration, consistency or volume of vaginal discharge. White, yellow, green, with an admixture of pus and with an unpleasant odor of excretion indicate the attachment of an infection that can threaten pregnancy and the fetus. On their appearance, it is necessary to immediately inform the doctor who is observing the pregnancy. To establish the cause of pathological excretions, do:

Pain at the 27th week of pregnancy

The abdomen is sick during the seventh month of pregnancy in many expectant mothers. This is due to the extension of the ligamentous apparatus and pelvic floor muscles due to the growth of the uterus. Such painful sensations often arise when the body position changes: slopes, corners of the body. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen can be associated with training fights. This phenomenon is usually called periodic, not intensive contractions of uterine myometrium. Such fights appear also suddenly, as they disappear, have a short duration.

Pain in the abdominal region at the beginning of the third trimester may be associated with impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Often, it accompanies the symptoms of digestive disorders: stool, nausea, heartburn, belching. Reception of digestive enzymes allows to solve a problem and to prevent its repeated occurrence. Use of such drugs must be agreed with the doctor.

27 weeks of pregnancy - ultrasound

27 Obstetric pregnancy week is an appropriate time for ultrasound. However, it is not prescribed to all pregnant women, but only if there are certain indications. During such procedure the doctor evaluates the work of the heart, the respiratory system, examines the fetus for abnormalities of development. Particular attention is paid to the location and condition of the placenta, its thickness, the amount of amniotic fluid in the 27th week of pregnancy. The inner and outer lining of the uterus is closed at this time.

Sex in the seventh month of pregnancy

The gestation period of 27 weeks is not a contraindication for an intimate life, if gestation occurs without complications. In some cases, sexual activity is prohibited and the reason for this is a tone at the 27th week of pregnancy. Doctors strictly forbid sex to future mothers and when:

When making love, you must choose positions in which pressure on the stomach is completely ruled out:

Childbirth at 27 weeks gestation

Babies born on the 27th week of pregnancy have a high chance of surviving. However, in most cases, the infant needs to create special conditions, for which it is placed in the cuvée. Doctors continuously monitor the main parameters - palpitation, respiratory rate, degree of oxygen saturation of blood. The outlook for the outcome is favorable and depends on: