How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth?

Often, a woman after birth appears hemorrhoids. And often this is due to the pronounced overflow of the blood of venous vessels during labor.

Signs of hemorrhoids after childbirth

In parturient women, external and internal hemorrhoids are encountered. With external hemorrhoids, it is easy to feel the characteristic nodular formations in the anus. Nodules with internal hemorrhoids can not be felt independently. They are located on the inside of the rectum. This type of disease often causes profuse bleeding and is considered the most dangerous. Hemorrhoids are often accompanied by constipation and painful sensations. A constipation, especially in the first days after childbirth, significantly complicate the course of the disease. Treatment with medications is prescribed only after a thorough examination of the proctologist. Diagnosis is carried out using the finger method and external examination. Often in such cases, use a sigmoidoscopy - examination of the area of ​​the rectum and anus with a special device.

How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth?

To completely get rid of nodular formations in the anus, it is necessary not only to undergo medical treatment, but also to listen to the doctor's advice about observance of several general rules.

  1. The first response of the proctologist, to the question of what to do with hemorrhoids after childbirth, for sure, will be the council to change the diet. You should increase the number of foods with a high fiber content in the menu. This recommendation will help to normalize the stool.
  2. A woman needs to restore her physical form. Daily walks, therapeutic exercises combined with the use of candles and ointments will significantly reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids and ease the condition.
  3. Prevention is the best solution. To not have to think about how to cure hemorrhoids after childbirth, it is not necessary to wear tightening clothes during pregnancy.
  4. The use of ointments from hemorrhoids after delivery is shown: heparin, "Bezornil", "Relief". These ointments do not adversely affect the baby's body during breastfeeding.

Folk remedies for hemorrhoids after childbirth

The people knew how to cope with the appearance of hemorrhoids after childbirth. Perhaps these recipes will help you:

  1. Grind three heads of garlic and brew a glass of boiling milk. To get rid of garlic bitterness, boil the remedies for hemorrhoids after the birth again. Douching spend at night, warm infusion. The positive effect will be noticeable after the fourth douching.
  2. Without cutting or peeling, boil four large bulbs in a liter of milk. Cook until the milk turns pink. Every evening, make steam baths for 10 minutes. This tool perfectly heals fine cracks.
  3. Mix 300 grams of slightly warmed natural honey and 150 grams of finely crushed aloe leaves. Add half the glass of freshly squeezed aloe vera juice to the mixture. Infuse the mixture for 3 to 4 hours. Take this medicine should be a teaspoon in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, after eating. Store the infusion in a dark and cool place, in a glass container under a closed lid.
  4. You can make compresses from finely grated beets or carrots. Compresses from the infusion of wormwood also have a good effect.
  5. The external hemorrhoids are perfectly treated with sedentary baths with infusion of water pepper. The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes.
  6. Prepare syrup from elderberries and eat it daily.

That's all the recommendations that can be given on this issue. Health to you and your baby!