Honeysuckle - useful properties

Honeysuckle is the earliest berry, which allows a person to make up for the vitamin deficiency that arose after a long winter. There are more than 200 species of this shrub, but only one of them will give birth to edible fruits. Ripening of berries occurs gradually, therefore it is necessary to harvest for several receptions.

What explains the useful properties of honeysuckle?

The fruits of this plant are a real storehouse of useful substances. Here there are: vitamin C, in an amount much larger than in lemon or kiwi, potassium, glucose, organic acids, vitamins A and B, zinc, iodine, barium and much more. The quantitative index of a particular component can vary considerably depending on the climatic conditions in which the shrub grows.

How to preserve the healing properties of honeysuckle?

In folk medicine for the treatment of diseases are used not only the fruits of honeysuckle, but also bark, kidneys, leaves, branches and inflorescences. Flowers and foliage gather in the flowering period and should be dried in the shade in the fresh air. Young shoots of the bush are also cut off or broken during flowering, tied into bundles and dried in limbo in attics or verandas.

Such raw materials are stored for the whole winter, and for its application it is enough to break off the necessary number of branches, grind and start preparing the drug. But the greatest benefit is brought by berries, so they can be dried in the shade, making them compotes, kissels, jars, canned or frozen for future use.

Useful properties of honeysuckle

The popularity of this plant is fully explained by its positive effect on the human body, for example:

  1. The high content of vitamins in berries can successfully establish digestive disorders, increase appetite , bring down feverish temperature and so on.
  2. Has a diuretic effect, reduces swelling, eliminates tumors.
  3. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases immunity, prevents premature aging.
  4. Useful properties of jam from honeysuckle or ground berries with berries will be useful for hypertonics and cores. And this is the safest medicine for pregnant or nursing mothers
  5. Scientifically established the fact that the healing properties of honeysuckle have an antiradiation effect on the human body.
  6. Benefit is the use of fruits in the presence of an ulcer or gastritis, diseases of the gallbladder, liver, metabolic disruptions and so on.
  7. Stunning effect is the juice of fresh honeysuckle berries, which successfully eliminates various skin diseases.
  8. Very widely used decoctions of leaves, bark or branches of shrubs, because the range of their positive influence is truly huge.

Benefit and harm of honeysuckle

Like any other plant, honeysuckle has certain contraindications to the use. I would also like to emphasize that this berry, with all the positive qualities, can cause unpleasant reactions of the body to its use.

The reason for this can be an excessive amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which it contains. The human body may simply not be ready for such a "vitamin bomb" and the treatment will end a manifestation of severe allergic reactions.

However, such a phenomenon is possible only with a systematic and long-term intake of potions from honeysuckle, and in large quantities.

Virtually all drugs that are made from honeysuckle, it is very easy to do at home even a beginner folk medicine. If we take into account the fact that the simple consumption of raw berries in raw form, as compotes or jelly already brings huge benefits to the body, it is worth considering starting such a plant on your home plot.