Wild honey

Wild (honeycomb) honey is a kind of useful natural product, possessing a number of unique properties. Honey of wild bees is practically devoid of harmful impurities, which are often present in the sweet product produced in the apiary, and has time to fully ripen, due to the fact that the collection is performed once a year. Wild bees almost do not get sick, because they have excellent immunity, while for the treatment of their domesticated relatives beekeepers use antibiotics and other medicines that later fall into the product to be taken.

Composition of wild honey

Forest honey has a pleasant amber-brown color, a very thick consistency, a tart and sweet taste and an unusual woody-herbaceous aroma. It contains inclusions of wax, propolis, pergia, bee brood. Useful properties of wild honey depend on its constituents. The composition of the natural product includes:

The healing properties of honey of wild bees

Honey of wild bees has the following useful properties:

  1. Activates metabolic processes, effectively removes decay products from the body.
  2. Stimulates the blood supply to the brain, helping to restore memory and attention.
  3. Increases the elasticity of blood vessels and improves blood composition.
  4. It is a strong anti-inflammatory drug, which causes its use in the treatment of colds and flu .
  5. It has a harmful effect on many types of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
  6. Helps to eliminate violations in the genital area.
  7. It is used as a preventive and therapeutic agent in the treatment of atherosclerosis.
  8. It is considered a substance with an antitumor effect.
  9. Eliminates congestion in the gallbladder, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  10. Slows down the aging process.
  11. Increases immunity .

The product can safely be included in the diet of children, from an early age, weakened patients and people of advanced years. Little of! Bortevoy honey can be consumed even by allergy sufferers.

Important! The properties of wild honey are lost when in contact with the metal. A useful product is recommended to eat a wooden spoon (in extreme cases, plastic) from faience ware and store in a glass container in a cool, closed from direct sunlight, place.