Pneumofibrosis of the lungs - treatment with folk remedies

Abnormal proliferation of lung tissue as a result of inflammation or adverse conditions causes pulmonary pneumofibrosis. This disease is divided into:

Principles of treatment of pneumofibrosis

It should be noted that this disease can not be cured completely, because in any case there are active cells that can, once the "favorable" conditions are created, can again provoke fibrosis. Therefore, it is worthwhile to regularly undergo an examination and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Treatment of pneumofibrosis begins with the elimination of the cause of its cause. If the cause is external factors (smoking, harmful working conditions, etc.), then you have to get rid of bad habits and change your place of work. In cases where tissue proliferation occurs due to the inflammatory process or against its background, the treatment of cause and effect is carried out in parallel.

Treatment of pulmonary pneumofibrosis also includes increased physical activity. We recommend sports, walking in the fresh air. To treat pneumofibrosis folk remedies it is especially important to use respiratory gymnastics. With its regular implementation, gas exchange in the lungs, their ventilation and oxygen saturation is improved.

Treatment of pulmonary pneumofibrosis with folk remedies will strengthen the effectiveness of traditional methods and will have a supporting effect on the body in the subsequent time.

Recipes for treatment of pulmonary pneumofibrosis folk remedies

Healing broth:

  1. Take two hundred grams of white mistletoe and elecampane, one hundred grams of hawthorn fruit, a dogrose and the roots of blue cyanosis, fifty grams of ephedra two-colony.
  2. All the components to grind and mix.
  3. To prepare the broth, one or two tablespoons of this mixture is filled with a glass of water and boiled over low heat for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Then leave to stand for an hour.

A decoction of a glass is taken during the day.

You can also prepare a mixture of birch and thyme leaves (one hundred grams), oregano (two hundred grams) and ephedra (50 grams). Preparation and use of this collection is the same as in the first recipe.

The effectiveness of the treatment of pneumofibrosis was proved by infusion of thyme creeping. For this:

  1. A tablespoon of herbs are poured into half a liter of boiling water and left overnight in a thermos bottle.
  2. Infusion filter and drink during the day.

Treatment lasts 3-4 weeks, after which thyme should be replaced by one of these herbs: