Juniper berries - medicinal properties and contraindications

The fruits of juniper are small blue berries, which are clustered on the branches of this wonderful coniferous plant. The beneficial properties of juniper were well known to our distant ancestors, and the fact that juniper berries can also exhibit medicinal properties was not a secret for them at all. Once upon a time in the territory where the Slavs settled, large numbers of juniper groves grew, which to date only partially survived only in the Crimea.

How did our ancestors use berries?

Representatives of ancient civilizations used juniper berries as an antidote - a topical application, since poisoning in those days was one of the most popular ways to eliminate political rivals and lovers.

But the Slavs treated the juice of berries with dishes, and for a long time the products could be stored fresh. Fruits were also used for the treatment of various diseases, which was facilitated by their unique chemical composition.

Chemical composition of berries

The composition of juniper berries includes essential oils that have bactericidal properties, tannic and pectin substances, starch, as well as sugars in the form of fructose, glucose and sucrose (in the number of berries, the amount of sugars reaches 36%). In addition, organic acids are found in fruits, such as apple, formic, and also acetic acids.

Berries contain vegetable protein, aromatic resins, wax, fiber and some other substances.

What are the benefits of juniper berries?

Like the whole plant, juniper berries have exceptionally useful properties:

It is also worth remembering caution when using juniper berries. Experts say that a few eaten fruits increase appetite and improve the work of the digestive tract, but inattention and the desire for an early result can lead to serious consequences: a large number of ingested fruits can cause serious poisoning.

Juniper berries have found not only useful properties, but also contraindications, which must be taken into account, using drugs for the treatment of certain diseases.

  1. It is not recommended to take berries and preparations from them for kidney diseases in the acute phase. This applies, in particular, to nephritis and pyelonephritis.
  2. With chronic and acquired diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to limit the intake of preparations from the fruits of junipers or completely abandon them.
  3. With caution and only after consulting a doctor, you can take juniper berries, not only using their medicinal properties, but also given contraindications if a woman is in a state of pregnancy. Thoughtless independent use of them can cost the loss of a child as a result of miscarriage.

But even with the most favorable indications and the absence of serious illnesses, experts do not recommend using drugs and fresh juniper berries for more than two months in a row.