Juice from burdock leaves - application

The juice of the burdock leaves is an excellent soft drink. But because to make it, you need to collect and process a huge number of fresh leaves of the plant, almost no one prepares such juice. But in vain! This unusual drink is not just tasty and refreshing, but also very useful.

How useful is the juice of burdock?

Juice from burdock leaves is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. It is used for:

Internal use of juice from burdock leaves is also useful, since the concentration of nutrients in it reaches a maximum. Such a drink is an excellent diaphoretic, diuretic and choleretic agent. It can be used in the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Regular application of the juice of burdock leaves has anti-allergic, antirheumatoid and antidiabetic effect. To drink it it is necessary and at poisonings, intoxication of a liver or occurrence of a black touch on a language . It also contributes to the normalization of metabolism and improves the absorption of protein in the body. The juice of burdock leaves is also prescribed for oncology, as it slows the development of cancer.

How to drink juice of a mug?

Contraindications to the use of juice from the leaves of burdock is not revealed. But that it really had a therapeutic effect on the body, and not just refreshed you on a hot day, you need to use it correctly.

As a rule, as a medicine, such juice is drunk in small amounts - approximately 20 ml per reception. The best thing take it immediately after pressing, so prepare the drink in small portions.

To get juice from the burdock leaves, you need:

  1. 8-10 young leaves to wash and soak for about two hours in water (cold).
  2. Then dry them and let them through the meat grinder.
  3. Having squeezed out the resulting gruel, you will receive therapeutic juice. It will have a slightly bitter taste, but it can be slightly sweetened with honey.

The scheme of juice from burdock is rather simple: 20 ml three times a day for 30 minutes before the next meal. The full course of treatment is usually seven or ten days. But if the desired result does not come, then you can make a break of the same duration and repeat the course.

Before treating juice from burdock, be sure to consult your physician beforehand about the advisability of such therapy.