Hepta water for hair

Chemeritsa is a poisonous plant, but when used externally it has a strong antiseptic, analgesic and warming effect. This allows you to use crooked water for hair in order to accelerate their growth and strengthen the roots. Also, chinese water perfectly helps with pediculosis.

The use of crooked water for hair growth

Initially, chokeric water was used to control parasites on which it exerts a toxic effect, leading to the death of adults and larvae. However, the side effect of using the anti-pediculosis medication was very pleasant - the hair began to grow much faster. The most effective is the cynical water for hair growth in combination with other herbs - nettle, hop cones, birch buds. But you can use this tool and without additives:

  1. Comb your hair, apply a sufficient amount of crooked water to the cotton swab.
  2. Do parting, swipe on the skin with a tool. Close the other part and repeat the procedure.
  3. After the chinese water is applied to the entire scalp, you should do a light massage and wrap your head with a towel. After 30 minutes you can wash your hair.

Plague water from hair loss

With the help of the chieftain, you can stop the alopecia , but only if it does not have a hormonal nature. Applying chemically water follows the same pattern as for accelerating growth. The treatment regimen assumes the use of the product once a week for 2 months. Due to the fact that the plant is poisonous, there are a number of precautions that must be observed:

  1. The drug is for sale in the pharmacy, the instruction strongly recommends Apply it to the scalp, protecting the skin of your hands with gloves.
  2. How much to keep the crooked water on the hair, depends on the individual sensitivity of the scalp. If the burning does not go away after 10 minutes after application, it should be washed off immediately, without waiting for the expiration of the prescribed 30 minutes.
  3. Do not allow the drug to enter the ears, eyes and, especially, into the mouth. If this happens, wash the mucous with clean water and call for an ambulance at the first symptoms of poisoning.
  4. It is especially dangerous to inhale the hellebore, so the use of such water is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.
  5. Due to the fact that in the cosmetic preparation alcohol, do not use chicken water, if you have dry scalp and hair.