Diffuse alopecia

Diffuse alopecia is one of the forms of alopecia , in which uniform intense loss of hair is observed over the entire surface of the scalp without the death of the hair follicles. This pathology occurs in both men and women, and in terms of prevalence is second only to androgenetic alopecia.

Causes and types of diffuse alopecia

Diffuse alopecia indicates a disruption in the functioning of the whole organism and is a consequence of the failure of the program of growth and development of hair. There are two types of this disease - telogen and anagen.

Diffuse telogenous alopecia is diagnosed more often. With this form, most hair follicles (about 80%) stop producing hair, prematurely leaving the resting phase (telogen). The reasons for this may be:

Diffuse anagenic alopecia is associated with the influence of intense high-speed factors - radioactive radiation, chemotherapy, poisoning with strong poisons, etc. As a result, hair follicles do not have time to go into a resting phase, and hair falls right after the growth phase (anagen).

Symptoms of diffuse alopecia

With this pathology, the hair becomes weak, brittle and pulled out at the slightest effort. Hair thinning is observed throughout the head surface with approximately the same intensity.

Treatment of diffuse alopecia

Treatment of diffuse alopecia reduces, basically, to the search and elimination of the cause that caused it. This requires a diagnosis of the whole body. After the disappearance of the negative factor, hair is restored within 3 - 9 months.

It also requires proper care of the scalp and hair, the use of external products that favorably affect the hair follicles, improving blood circulation in the scalp. For a speedy recovery, various physiotherapy methods are effective. A significant role is given to the diet for replenishment of stocks of trace elements and vitamins.