How many children start to crawl?

Crawling is an important stage in the life of the baby. Every mother, still pregnant, dreams and imagines her baby. The way he first learns to turn over on his tummy, then crawl, sit and finally walk. And when this happens in reality, the happiness of parents is no limit. In this article, we'll figure out when this happy moment should come.

Things are in such a way that this moment may not come. Each child is unique, and its development takes place according to the individual scenario. Therefore sometimes children do not even begin to crawl, but immediately learn to sit and walk. The child can compensate for the lack of this skill in two and three years. And it is not necessary to prevent this. Crawling is a great exercise, which develops and strengthens the back muscles. And the vertical position, on the contrary, gives too much strain on the infant's spine.

How to help the baby start to crawl?

In order for the child to begin to crawl, perform a series of exercises with it. Do it every day, otherwise there will be no effect. Gymnastics is conducted when the child is in a good mood. Turn it into a game, sing some kind of playful little song and smile. Then the crumb will be happy to learn new movements.

  1. The first exercise is very simple. Lying on the back, bend the knobs and legs alternately. Repeat several times.
  2. Good exercises on a special big ball. Put the baby on your stomach and tilt the ball in different directions, and then show the child that he can push off the ground.
  3. Teach your child to roll over. Roll it from one barrel to another. Kids usually like this exercise, and they gladly repeat it again and again.
  4. Turn the baby on his stomach and put in front of him a favorite rattle. Help him reach out to her, putting his hand under his heels.

Important and the environment. Give your child freedom and space. Do not teach him to play in the crib, the child must share a place for sleep and for games. Otherwise, in the future it will be difficult for you to put him to sleep. From three to four months, lay the baby on the floor. Let him get used to the new situation. If the floor in the house is cold, put a carpet on it. Now for children are sold special game mats. They are very bright and comfortable. And thanks to the toys hanging from the arcs, the child can consider them for a long time and play.

In order for the child to have an incentive to learn to crawl, put the toys at some distance from him. He will be interested to reach out to them. So he will understand that he himself can move. This does not mean that you have to put the toy in a meter from the baby and watch how he will unsuccessfully try to get to it. Put it so that the child, after making some effort, reaches out to her.

Everyone knows that children copy everything from adults. So help your child with his example. Crawl around it. It is much more interesting to learn the world around you with your beloved mother.

Take care of the security of the premises. Remove from the zone of sight dangerous and beating objects, such as floor vases, statues, lamps. In the electrical socket, install the plugs, and on the corners put on silicone pads.

Make sure that the air in the apartment is clean and fresh. Daily, or at least a day, do a wet cleaning. Often ventilate the room, but avoid drafts.

What time do boys and girls start to crawl?

All the kids are different and the boys start to crawl at different times, usually later than the girls. As a rule, all babies master this skill in 5-7 months. Well-fed babies are usually a little lazier than their peers, they begin to creep in 7-8 months. Slender on the contrary can learn to creep earlier.

When the baby starts to crawl, do not stop doing it with him, show new exercises. It is scientifically proven that mental development, directly depends on the physical.