Can chicory breastfeed my mother?

Chicory is an amazingly useful product, which is considered a substitute for coffee for those to whom it is contraindicated. In addition, this product helps to cope with many diseases of the cardiovascular system, nervous diseases, improves metabolism, as well as the work of the digestive system. Despite all this benefit, many mothers have a question whether it is possible to drink chicory to a nursing mother, because what she uses for food affects not only the properties of milk, its taste, but also its usefulness. Let's look into this.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have chicory?

This plant, or rather, the root of this plant, is not contraindicated for use by women breastfeeding their baby. Chicory nursing mom can only in limited quantities and only after she checks to see if her son or daughter has any allergies to it. It is not difficult to do this: you need to drink a little infusion the first time that day when no other new products are introduced. If after that the child does not have an allergic reaction , which can manifest as a disorder of the stool, redness of the skin, skin rashes, then you can continue to use. However, it is important to remember that volumes and frequency should be limited.

According to experts, this plant has too much vitamin C, which can sometimes lead to an allergy in the baby. Therefore, if your baby already showed increased sensitivity to this vitamin, then the answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink nursing chicory will be negative.

Another aspect of the problem is that this plant helps to remove toxins and toxins from the mother's body. Naturally, these harmful substances will be excreted and with milk, as a result of which they will get to the crumb.

What is the use of chicory for nursing mothers?

If a woman can not imagine her life without coffee, then you can drink chicory infusion - to taste it will be the same as coffee, but will not contain caffeine. In addition, this infusion can be drunk without sugar, because it itself will taste sweet.

Also, this infusion will be useful for increasing the immunity of the mother, removing harmful substances from her body, although for the baby, as already noted, this is not always useful. In general, it is better to refuse to eat this plant for the period of breastfeeding, as its benefit for a woman does not compensate for possible harm to the child.