Can I get pregnant while breastfeeding?

Often, women who have recently given birth to a baby have a question about methods of contraception. At the same time, he often touches directly on whether it is possible to become pregnant while breastfeeding the baby, i.e. during lactation. Let's try to understand it and give an exhaustive answer.

Is there a probability of conception with lactation?

Today, the contraceptive method, based on prolactinamide amenorrhea, is increasingly losing its relevance. By this term in gynecology it is customary to understand the absence of menstrual discharge during breastfeeding.

After the birth of the baby in the body of the mother, the concentration of prolactin, a hormone that suppresses the ovulatory process, sharply increases. So, approximately half a year the woman has no monthly, which indirectly indicates that pregnancy is impossible. However, in this case, often young mothers who do not use contraceptives, become pregnant again. Confirmation of this is the birth of the weather. Why does this happen?

The thing is that after the birth, the process of restoring the hormonal background proceeds. Therefore, often prolactin can be produced inadequate quantity. As a result, in the absence of ovulation for 2-3 months after the birth of a crumb, it can happen suddenly on the 4-5 month of breastfeeding.

What is better to use as a contraceptive for breastfeeding?

As you can see from the above, during breastfeeding, you can get pregnant without a period. In this case, the probability of conception in a similar situation is about 10% according to statistics. That's why doctors strongly recommend using contraceptives.

The most simple, accessible of them are condoms and intrauterine caps. It is also worth mentioning about spermicidal drugs that, when they process the vagina, suppress the vital activity of male sex cells.

After 6-8 weeks after delivery, in the absence of contraindications, a woman can consult a doctor after installing an intrauterine device.

Thus, on the question of women as to whether it is possible to become pregnant without menstruation with active lactation, doctors respond in the affirmative.