Sage for the cessation of lactation

In recent years, more and more mothers have been successfully coping with breastfeeding their babies. Help comes the recommendations of the World Health Organization, Internet resources, breastfeeding consultants, more experienced girlfriends and, of course, maternal instinct. Almost always, when a woman decides to breastfeed her baby and is actively interested in breastfeeding, she is lucky. Feeding at the mutual desire of the mother and child can continue until the natural involution of lactation.

Unfortunately, in the life of any woman there may be circumstances that make one wonder whether to continue breastfeeding further. For someone, this is a medical reason, someone has to go to work, someone has another pregnancy. Some women have to interrupt breastfeeding temporarily, for example, for a five-day intake of antibiotics.

Folk remedies for stopping lactation

It's no secret that a sharp cessation of breastfeeding is associated with a certain discomfort for a woman. Breast can be filled with milk, it becomes painful and hot. During this period, the main task is to alleviate unpleasant sensations and reduce the production of milk by the mammary glands. Some women who do not know about the possibility of using sage to suppress lactation, very much risk using the following methods:

  1. Interruption of lactation with drugs. This method is permissible in a pinch, and only according to the prescription of the doctor. Such drugs, in addition to the fact that they can seriously disrupt the woman's hormonal background, have a number of other side effects (vomiting, headache, nausea, dizziness, depression and fatigue).
  2. Tightening of the chest. By itself, tug-of-war does not affect the amount of milk produced by the breast. But the violation of blood circulation in the tissues of the breast, the development of edema and clogging of the ducts with clots of milk often ends.
  3. Restriction of food and drink. It is proved that only a significant depletion leads to a noticeable decrease in the amount of milk. And limiting herself to drinking fluids, a woman risks getting lactostasis.

We found out that the most safe for the mother's body is a gradual decrease in lactation. This means that you need to look for a way to gradually reduce the level of the prolactin hormone responsible for producing milk. A medicinal sage against lactation can come to the aid of a wet nurse.

Sage for reducing lactation

The level of prolactin decreases when the level of another hormone, estrogen, rises. This is the main hormone of the female body. It is produced by the ovaries. However, in nature there is an analogue of this hormone, called phytoestrogen. As you already guessed, it contains sage.

Medical properties have only a few types: medicinal sage (which is sold in a pharmacy), muscatia sage and Spanish salvia. Sage has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, carminative, estrogenic, astringent, analgesic, expectorant and diuretic action. Infusion and tinctures of sage regulate the digestive system, as well as reduce the function of sweat and mammary glands.

Methods of taking sage during lactation

Salvia is sold in pharmacies in the crushed condition or in the form of brewing sachets. This greatly simplifies the use of medicinal sage to stop lactation.

Recipes for eating are quite simple:

  1. Infusion of sage : in a glass of boiling water add 1 teaspoon of chopped sage. Insist for at least an hour, after which filter. Take 1/4 cup of infusion 4 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals.
  2. Decoction of sage : In a container with 200ml of boiling water add 1 teaspoon of chopped sage, and then boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Then the broth is insisted for 20-30 minutes, filtered and drunk 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.
  3. Tea in bags: 1 tea bag per 1 cup of boiling water. Tea is divided into 2 or 3 parts. Every day, you need to brew a fresh portion of tea.
  4. Sage oil (external application): it helps to avoid gland tightening, inflammatory processes. Using this kind of sage to stop lactation in a relatively short time reduces the allocation of milk.

Do not take sage in increased doses or for longer than 3 months, because it can provoke irritation of mucous membranes. Contraindications include epilepsy, acute kidney inflammation and severe cough, as well as pregnancy and acute nephritis.

So if you are thinking about stopping lactation with folk remedies, feel free to choose the method of stopping lactation with the help of sage.