Artificial feeding of a newborn

In some cases, after the birth of a child, breastfeeding is simply impossible. Such situations are due to a number of reasons: lack of milk, a morbid condition of the mother and / or the child, etc. The only solution to this problem is the artificial feeding of a newborn.

Choice of mixture

Today, there are a large number of mixtures, which greatly complicates the mother's choice. For feeding newborn babies it is necessary to purchase an artificial, hypoallergenic milk formula. This will reduce the possibility of developing an allergic reaction.

Features of artificial feeding

Artificial feeding of newborns is, as a rule, complete (partial up to 2/3 of the whole diet) replacement of breast milk with a mixture. Practically from the first days of life it is necessary to feed the newborn 6, and sometimes 7 times a day, that is, after 3, a maximum of 3.5 hours.

When an infant is breastfeeding, mother does not worry about how much milk enters his body. If the baby is saturated, he independently stops sucking movements and basically falls asleep. With artificial feeding, the situation is different. There is a need for constant monitoring of the amount of food.

Daily volume of the mixture

The first question that arises in mothers who are forced to feed their children with a mixture is: "How much should my newborn baby eat if it is on artificial feeding?".

So, if the monthly baby has a body weight of 3.5 kg, then its daily volume of the mixture should be about 700 ml, that is, 1/5 of the mass. On each package of artificial nutrition there is a calculation table, which will help the mother to calculate the norm for the newborn, who is fed a mixture.

In order for the young mother to calculate a single volume of the mixture, it is necessary to divide the diurnal by the number of feedings. Their number, as a rule, is 6-7, not counting 1 night feeding, which is canceled by 1 year.

Often, young mothers do not know whether it is necessary to give the newborn child water when fed with artificial mixtures, and how in this case it should be doped. Pediatricians recommend periodically giving a little boiled water, since the mixture is quite nutritious.

Baby's chair

With artificial feeding, special attention should be paid to the neonatal chair. So, many moms are interested in the question of why a newborn baby, who is on artificial feeding, often has a green color.

As a rule, somewhere on the 5th day of life, a chair of this color happens in all newborns. Doctors explain this phenomenon by the adaptive response of the organism to environmental factors.

Features of complementary feeding

Each newborn baby who is on artificial feeding feeds exclusively on the mixture for a long time, since the first lure is introduced only for about 4 months.

As the very first complementary foods can be puree from vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin) and fruits (prunes, pears, apples). Particular attention should be paid to the reaction of the baby's body to a new product.

Thus, the artificial feeding of newborns is a rather complex process. Often the infant develops various reactions to artificial feeding, requiring medical intervention. That is why every mother should carefully approach the process of choosing a mixture, taking into account the age characteristics of her child.

However, there are situations when for some reason breastfeeding is impossible, and then you have to transfer the baby to the mixture.

In such cases, experts recommend a mixture that is as close to breast milk as possible so that the child does not experience metabolic disorders, allergic reactions, skin and digestive problems. Closer to the composition of human milk, the adapted mixtures on goat milk with a protein of beta casein, for example, the gold standard for baby food - MD mil SP "Kozochka." Thanks to this mixture, the baby gets all the necessary substances that help the child's body to properly form and develop.

Only by observing the above rules, she can grow a healthy child, since the quality of nutrition plays a dominant role, especially at this age.