How to get rid of breast milk?

After the birth of a crumb, it is considered that the main task of a woman is to adjust lactation so that the child can get healthy and healthy food from the first days of extrauterine existence. The benefits of breast milk are known to everyone, because it is a real storehouse of components necessary for the growing organism, which contribute to the full development, the formation of immunity. In addition, the very process of feeding is important for a child, which gives him a feeling of inseparable connection with his mother.

However, due to various reasons, there comes a time when a woman begins to think about how to get rid of breast milk. In this case, there may be several options. The most successful and painless completion of lactation , if the baby refused to breast itself. By the way, such situations are not uncommon, when after the introduction of complementary milk, a woman begins to produce less, and the child gradually abandons it altogether. Then mother does not have to worry about how to stop the production of breast milk, because after a while it will disappear by itself.

Otherwise, if the baby continues to demand breast, despite the age or other circumstances, forcing the woman to stop the production of breast milk as soon as possible. Here it is necessary to try, that disposal of breast milk has passed painlessly for mum and the child.

How to Stop Breast Milk - Possible Options

The most gentle method, how to get rid of breast milk - is the gradual weaning of the baby from the breast. For what it is necessary to first reduce the number of daily breastfeeding, replacing them with a mixture or other dishes, if the child is old enough. Over time, completely exclude the attachment of the baby to the breast during the day, and with the same tactic go to night feeding. This method is relatively painless not only for the child from the point of view of psychology, but also for the mother. Since gradually stopping the production of breast milk is much easier and safer for the female body, the likelihood of developing stagnation, mastitis and other complications is also significantly reduced.

There are cases when the child abandons the breast, and milk continues to arrive in full. This state requires urgent measures:

If these measures were unsuccessful, then gynecologists offer their patients a pill to stop breast milk. These drugs are hormonal drugs that suppress lactation. As a rule, therapy is prescribed individually and lasts from 1-2 days to 2 weeks. May have a number of contraindications, so hormonal funds must be taken strictly according to the instructions of a specialist.

If you get rid of breast milk urgently, for medical reasons or in connection with departure and other circumstances, many practice sudden excommunication from breastfeeding . This method involves a sharp refusal to breastfeed, which can provoke some painful moments, both from the side of the baby, and the mother. First, the child is experiencing such changes, and secondly, the wrong actions on the part of a woman can cause a lot of problems with the breast.