Ointment Acyclovir

Acyclovir - a highly effective antiviral drug that selectively affects the herpes virus, which affects the skin and mucous membranes of a person. The pharmaceutical agent in the form of an ointment is a substance of white and yellowish color, filled in aluminum or laminate tubes. Ointment Acyclovir is intended exclusively for external use. To get rid of cutaneous manifestations of herpes, an ointment with an active substance concentration of 5% is produced and a 3% ointment of Acyclovir is used to treat the eyes.

Application of ointment Acyclovir

It is well known that Acyclovir ointment helps against herpes, including relapsing, but the spectrum of the drug's effect is much wider. What else helps the acyclovir ointment?

Indications for the use of ointment Acyclovir is a number of diseases:

Contraindications to the use of ointment Acyclovir

Despite the fact that Acyclovir ointment has a high level of safety, there are rare cases of individual sensitivity to the active substance or auxiliary components that make up the drug. In this case, the following can be observed:

All these manifestations quickly disappear after the removal of the ointment.

Rules for the use of ointment Acyclovir

Carrying out treatment with the help of ointments for skin and mucous, it is necessary to observe the following rules:

  1. To prevent autointoxication, ointment should be applied in fingertips or medical gloves.
  2. The agent should be applied to the affected parts of the body every 4 hours. The number of procedures is 5 - 6 times a day. Elderly people, as well as patients with kidney failure, violations of the function of baking and suffering psychoneurotic disorders, it is recommended to reduce the number of procedures up to 2 - 3 times a day.
  3. Therapy with the help of the ointment continues until the bubbles are covered with a crust or completely healed. Traditionally, the treatment period is 5-10 days. In some cases, as prescribed by the doctor, the duration of therapy can be extended.
  4. After applying the ointment, it is undesirable to take a shower or wash in the bathroom.
  5. Contrary to the prevailing opinion, in the presence of the genital virus, the ointment Acyclovir does not protect the sexual partner from infection. Herpes is extremely contagious, so during an exacerbation it is better to refrain from having sex or use a condom.
  6. The mild form of chicken pox, which is usually sick in children, does not require the use of the drug. Ointment Acyclovir in chickenpox is used only in cases of severe illness that occurs in adults.

Eye Acrylic Acyclovir is placed in the conjunctival sac at least 5 times a day. Ophthalmologists recommend using the remedy within 3 days after completely getting rid of the symptoms of the disease, but the total course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. In case of severe keratitis, it is recommended to use Zovirax in drops in combination with ointment. During treatment with ophthalmic ointment, contact lenses should not be worn.

Important! The effectiveness of therapy will be higher if you start using the drug at the first sign of the disease.

Sometimes repeated use of ointment Acyclovir, caused by relapses of the disease, can lead to the formation of resistance of the herpes virus to the active substance.