Juice from apricots with pulp

At the time of preparation of blanks from the summer harvest, we usually first of all close various pickles, compotes , jams and jams , completely forgetting about the possibility of preserving in banks a real vitamin bomb - juices. Cooking the latter can be from all that you want, while the finished product can be drunk immediately, and you can pour on sterile containers. In this material we will share with you recipes of juices from apricots with pulp.

Juice from apricots with flesh for the winter

A detailed list of ingredients in this recipe, we will not specify, but will give you all the necessary proportions, which can be adapted based on the number of available crops and the desired number of juice blanks.

Wash the washed apricots from the stone, cut the flesh and lay it in the deepest enamelware that is in the house. The dishes should also be with a thick bottom, otherwise the fruit can start to burn. Pour apricots with water from the calculation of a glass of water for every 4 cup apricots. Now it remains only to wait 3-3.5 hours, so that the fruits boil almost in puree. Approaching the end of the allotted time, wash and dry the liter jars, then pour into each half a cup of sugar and add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Pass the apricot puree through a sieve, and pour the resulting juice over the jars, cover the jars with lids and sterilize, counting the time taking into account the chosen method of sterilization.

Apricot juice with pulp

Apricots have a very pleasant and unobtrusive taste, which allows them to make an excellent company with other fruits and berries. The recipe, which we will talk about next, may not be quite typical for our country, but it is extremely useful.



Remove the stone from the apricots. Carrots clean and divide into smaller pieces to facilitate the work of the juicer. Remove the stone from the large mango and separate the pulp from the skin. All the prepared ingredients are passed through the juicer. The most benefit will be a drink, drunk immediately after cooking, so it is not recommended to close it for the winter.

How to cook apricot juice with pulp?

Juice from apricots can be cooked with the addition of their close relatives: peaches and nectarines, which is what we will do in the recipe below.



After peeling apricots and nectarines from the bones, whip them with a blender and pass through a sieve. Combine the mashed potatoes with water, sweeten to taste and taste. The resulting juice can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days, and can be sterilized, poured over clean jars and stored for the winter.

If you do not want to use sugar in the recipe, then it can be replaced with honey or any other sweetener to your liking, but it should be borne in mind that not every sweetener is suitable for conservation.

Juice from berries and apricots with pulp

Most of the summer is already over the shoulders, so why not celebrate with a glass of stunning fruit juice with Flesh, the basis of which is the most favorite summer fruits.



Remove the stone from the apricot and pass the pulp through the juicer together with the watermelon (red part), raspberries and strawberries. The resulting juice should be drunk only in fresh form, otherwise all of its vitamin wealth will quickly evaporate, taking with it the summer mood.