Marinated tomatoes

Different housewives differently make blanks of tomato for the winter. Some salt, others are preserved, others are marinated. Marinating tomatoes is the best method for long-term storage of these vegetables in the house. Among the variety of tomato pickling recipes, we offer to your attention the most popular.

For this recipe you can use ordinary tomatoes and cherry tomatoes. In order to prepare a jar of pickled tomatoes, you will need:

For marinating it is necessary to select identical, elastic tomatoes, without the presence of cracks and dents. The tomatoes should be washed thoroughly. Next, you need to prepare dishes - glass jars. The most correct way of preparing cans is to sterilize them. This prevents from blasting already rolled tomatoes. At the bottom of the pot should put spices, after - tomatoes.

To prepare marinade it is necessary to mix water, vinegar, salt and sugar. Bring this liquid to a boil, cool to room temperature. After this, pour the cans with a marinade and sterilize them in a water bath for 20 minutes. Only after sterilization cans with tomatoes are ready for twist.

Cherry tomatoes marinated in sweet and sour marinade are considered an excellent snack for any table and an ornament for many dishes. Experienced chefs for festive tables use recipes, including pickled cherry tomatoes.

Marinated green tomatoes

Marinated green tomatoes are found much less often red, so on any table look unusual. Marinating green tomatoes takes longer, since unripe vegetables should be prepared for pickling. For this, large green tomatoes should be placed in an enamel pan and poured with cold 6% saline solution. After two hours, the solution must be drained and poured tomatoes with freshly prepared brine. You need to do this procedure 2-3 times. After that, green tomatoes can be marinated using any known method.

Recipe for marinating cucumbers and tomatoes (assorted)

When marinating cucumbers and tomatoes in one jar, the taste of these vegetables differs significantly from the taste, when they are marinated individually. Vegetables can be taken in equal proportions and dressed with scented pepper, bay leaf, dill and currant leaves. Marinating these vegetables is convenient and practical in small cans. You can use sweet and sour or any other marinade. Marinated cucumbers with tomatoes in one bank, at least, save space in the refrigerator.

Small secrets of cooking a delicious marinated tomato:

For those who do not have time for such a long and time-consuming process of marinating a tomato is way easier. Tomatoes can be marinated in a refrigerator in a conventional plastic container. To do this, the cut tomatoes are packed in plastic containers with spices, covered with a lid and shaken several times. For fast marinating you need the following: for 500 grams of tomatoes 1 tablespoon of salt, a bunch of dill, sweet pepper, cloves, 0.5 teaspoon of sugar. After one night in the fridge, the fast pickled tomatoes are ready.

Use different recipes, replace ingredients, fantasize and experiment - then marinated tomatoes will be your favorite dish in the circle of your loved ones.