Ice Cubes for the face - recipes

During washing, the pores of the skin are thoroughly cleaned and the dead cells of the upper layer, epidermis are removed. But if instead of wiping your face with ice cubes, you can also provide better circulation of blood, enhance metabolic processes and access of oxygen to tissues. This will not only change the skin condition for the better, but also increase its elasticity, get rid of many defects.

Rubbing the face with ice cubes is good.

This method is a kind of cryotherapy in the home, but a softer action. Wiping the face with ice cubes has the following effects:

Ice Cubes for the face - recipes for all skin types

Let's consider several methods of making ice for different types of skin.

Cubes with ice for dry skin:

  1. A teaspoon of flaxseed seeds should be immersed in 1 cup of boiling water and covered.
  2. Insist for 4 hours, then strain.
  3. Pour the liquid into molds and freeze.
  4. Wipe your face every day, in the morning.

Ice Cubes for the face - recipes for sensitive skin:

  1. Finely chop or rub the leaves of plantain .
  2. The resulting raw material in an amount of 20 g pour 150-180 ml of boiling water.
  3. After 60 minutes strain the infusion, wring out the pulp.
  4. The solution is frozen, use 1 cube instead of washing.

In addition, quickly remove irritation and redness will help the ice from natural rose water, not divorced.

Ice cubes for oily and problem skin:

  1. Mix dry chopped chamomile flowers, marigold marigold, sage grass, St. John's wort, wormwood inflorescences in equal quantities.
  2. Prepared raw materials in an amount of 30 g (2 tablespoons) brew in half liters or 0.35 liters of boiling water and leave for a day in some cool and dark place.
  3. Strain the phyto-paste, freeze in molds.
  4. Wipe your face instead of washing 3-4 times in 7 days.

Coffee ice cubes for face with fading skin:

  1. Cook natural strong coffee without sugar, cool.
  2. Pour into clean prepared ice molds, place in the freezer.
  3. Wipe the face with dice every day, in the evening.