Mark Zuckerberg suffered from attack by hackers

It's hard to believe, but Mark Zuckerberg has problems in the Internet world. The Ourmine hackers group hacked into his accounts: the pages of the billionaire suffered in Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

Inviolability under threat

The Internet technology guru did not believe his eyes, finding that someone had written several tweets that were soon removed, and then Pinterest commented "Hacked by the Ourmine group." By the way, Twitter account of this cybergroup has over 40 thousand subscribers.

Security check

The hackers contacted Zuckerberg by writing:

"Hey, @finkd, we have access to your Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, we're just testing your security, please contact us."

Mark, for the sake of interest, even entered into correspondence.

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Keys for hacking

Experts suggested that the criminals managed to crank this business by leaking from LinkedIn, which happened in 2012. Probably, among the stolen were the logins and passwords of the head of Facebook from the hacked social networks that Zukerberg for some reason did not change.